"I'm going to cut to the chase here. Do you like magic?"

Nov 02, 2007 11:24

My week in television, counting backwards...

The Office 4.06 - Branch Wars )

chuck, the office, pushing daisies

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vonniek November 3 2007, 02:45:51 UTC
I think most of my discomfort with the episode stemmed from Jim being there as Michael's side-kick instead of being an ironic observer of Michael's antics. I've watched what I felt was more cringey *Michael* scenes before (the improv scenes from "E-Mail Surveillance"; the Christmas party one in which he made Phyllis cry), but it was always from a distance, you know? Watching Jim humiliated (despite the fact that I did see it from Karen's POV and sort of understood why she was being so freakin' bitter) just destroyed that buffer. Man, that was painful.

But I agree, Stanley = AWESOME. I also really loved Oscar in this. "Other than sleeping with other men, this is the gayest thing I've ever done." Hahaha.

Also: What You Said about PD and Chuck. I loved the choice the writers made in this episode -- having Olive and Chuck bond instead of being at each other's throat. That was refreshing indeed. And Chuck (man, having two characters named Chuck in two of my favourite new shows of the season is really confusing) has turned out to be one of the surprise delights of the season. I'm loving pretty much ALL the relationships in Chuck's life, from Ellie and Sarah and Morgan to all the gang at Buy More.

Captain Aweome! ♥♥♥


danceswithwords November 5 2007, 17:52:52 UTC
I think most of my discomfort with the episode stemmed from Jim being there as Michael's side-kick instead of being an ironic observer of Michael's antics.

Yes. It's one of Jim's notable traits that he usually manages to retain some dignity through these things. I think that's one of the reasons why, though I objectively felt Karen's bitterness was understandable, I really felt for Jim in that scene--he really wouldn't have been there if it weren't for his concern for Michael.

I loved the choice the writers made in this episode -- having Olive and Chuck bond instead of being at each other's throat.

One of my huge female characterization kinks is shows that take female rivalry and make it a way to explore the characters rather than an excuse for a long-running catfight. I think it's a sign of good writing. Farscape was also very good at it.


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