Yeah, I've got nothing

Oct 02, 2007 13:45

TV stuff:

  • Last night's Chuck was waaaaay to slapsticky, and had the flaily sense of a show desperately trying to figure out its tone. Hopefully they nail that down soon.
  • I want to point all Heroes-watching people to laurashapiro's extremely smart post on last night's episode.
  • I caught some Journeyman last night while folding laundry, and while the show itself doesn't interest me that much, it turns out that they actually do film the darn thing in San Francisco, not Vancouverisco. This will, of course, lead to the inevitable ridiculous scenes of characters taking the Powell St. cable car for transportation and pulling up to conveniently open parking spots right in front of buildings.

Other stuff:

Also, I have been in total hormonal meltdown for... *checks calendar* ... almost two weeks, which is really, REALLY unusual for me and kind of freaking me out. I am mostly over the part where I'm ready to burst into tears every time something goes the slightest bit wrong at work, which is good, since that would be (a) a lot of crying and (b) not very professional, but watching the end of Season 3 of Farscape on Sunday was probably not my best idea ever, since three hours of tears is murder on the contact lenses.

And since all I want to do is crawl into a cave and wait this out, it is of course the perfect time for my parents to visit for a week! I'm picking them up at the airport tonight. KILL ME NOW.

heroes, chuck

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