I am behind...

Nov 08, 2011 00:13

I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year for real.  I'm handwriting it because in general it's easier (brain-wise, not hands-wise, though I don't have issues with my hands so that makes it easy enough) for me to hand write a first draft than type it.  I think better or something.

And, of course, I am awfully, shamefully, behind.  I'm up to page 25 when I should be up to page 88.  Granted, it's a good start, but considering I don't have a job I should have enough free time to be on task.  I just have to get my timing and organizing up to par.  (Although job searching does take up a good chunk of that free time, it really doesn't take up enough time to be an excuse.)  But I am still hopeful that I can finish at least close to my goal, and have not yet given up actually reaching it.  I still have three more weeks.

But since my brain is trying to churn out this draft at high-speed, I have less time for world-building thoughts than I would otherwise.  So I turn to you, my lovely LJ friends, for hopefully some interesting suggestions.

In Fairy, if some animals are people, and some people can turn into animals, and animals can talk -- can all animals talk?  Or should there be "normal," non-talking animals mixed in with the talking ones?  I keep remembering the American Indian stories that I've been reading, where being a sentient being doesn't necessarily mean you don't get killed and eaten, as long as it's not "taboo" for you to be eaten.  (Taboo is in quotes because that seems to be the best term I can think of, though not the completely correct one as it's never explained in the stories.)  But in one creation story there was an explanation that talking animals weren't eaten, except the deer were never created as talking animals, so they could always be eaten.

What are various names for the land of Fairy?  And what are the "beginning" worlds called -- the ones when a story starts off, "in the time when animals could speak..." or "when the ancients were alive..?"  Or what are names that you would call those worlds?

life, worldbuilding, nano

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