And then hilarity ensued

Feb 07, 2011 23:11

Sometimes I love living in a house with exchange students.  I just had this hilarious conversation with a Chinese student I'm acquaintance-level friends with.

[context: my boyfriend* came over and we were doing homework in the common area.]

Chinese girl:  Was that your boyfriend?
Me:  Yes.
Her:  Why aren't you living with him?
Me:  *blank stare*
Her:  I thought all Americans lived with their boyfriends after two weeks.
Me:  We do?
Her:  They do on Gossip Girl.
Me:  There's your problem, right there.

What followed was a conversation on how long you would have to have a boyfriend before living with him.  I tried to make clear that this was different for different people, ranging from a scale of "one year" to "not until I'm married".  (I would fall under the "not until I'm married but to be revised as future circumstances permit" category.)  But I wouldn't say I'm the best at noticing what the average American culture is doing.  So.  What would you say?  (Feel free to answer even if you're not American.)

Poll Relationship Living
*Yes, I have a boyfriend.  How exciting is that?  We've been going out for 2 months-ish now.

ETA: And when I asked another of the Chinese girls what she thought of Americans and said it was because the first girl had asked me this, she whacked the first girl and said "you jerk, you asked her what?  That's rude!"  And the first girl laughed and said, "that's me, jerk is my middle name."  As if things couldn't get funnier.  (Note: these girls are friends with each other.)

life, poll

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