Heads up to you parent-types: we're coming to your kid's school

Feb 09, 2007 00:36

In a joint venture between the IAEI (International Association of Electrical Inspectors) and UL (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.), an education program has been launched entitled, 'I am Safety Smart'.  A brochure about the program can be viewed here.  We were treated to a rollout presentation tonight, and I've made the commitment to address my daughter's elementary school, and perhaps others in her school district depending on how it goes, as well as taking the program to Hanover Borough schools, which was part of why I had lunch with the Fire Commissioner on Tuesday-I wanted to introduce the program to him and obtain his support.

The program has two delivery modules: one for K-3, and another for 4-8 grades.  Since the fire service hits schools in October for Fire Prevention month, I'm planning my activities for May, which is National Electrical Safety month.  Hopefully the kids are sent off on summer vacation with some safety messages planted in their heads.

Sad part is that only a few people in my chapter have volunteered to become active in the program.  While I can understand reluctance to addressing a group-these are kids.  They will drink up everything you say if you engage them-you're an adult, perceived to be smart (although we all know that's not necessarily valid). *sigh*

In any event-IAEI chapters across the US and Canada have been asked/urged by the International home office to participate, so don't be surprised if your youngster comes home with a packet of information.  I hope that they do, because that means someone is doing their job to educate the children.