I cant believe what comes out of this kid's mouth...

Aug 22, 2007 23:53

A night of im.ing:

"I dont belive you can truly cherish the high times, if you havent experienced the low times"

"We have a great relationship; but sometimes I wish it wasnt.
I want to get into fight sometimes
I want to be tested.
I want the relationship to be tested.
I want him to fall for another girl and trhen have to choose me or her
Becuase I want the experience, I want to... LIVE.
I want to know what it's like, I want the drama. I want to live life as a movie."

"Certian rights come at certain ages. It's like your reward for making it that far. Trying to enact on those privleges is like...getting your Christmas presents in September. Good for then, but not so cool when Christmas rolls around and everythigns stale."
"I hate when people try to act older than they are, so they look cooler and can brag about it; for attention. "

"I crave conflict"

A story:
Lisa really likes pedro.
but pedro is no good. he is a whore and a druggie, and likes her back but doenst do anything about it becuase his slutty girl Allie puts out, and lisa probably wouldntl. but Lisa always had feelings for pedro
Then pedro goes to jal
And Lisa starts dating Bart. now, she loves bart but she never had though wipre be off my feet would do anything, heart thumping feelings for Bart. She just learned to love bart.
And it worked
Now Pedro is getting out of jail soon, and thats all lisa can think of. in fact she has contacted everyojne to try to find out how to contact him. because she realizes theres buried feelings for him."

Finish my story?
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