Nov 26, 2007 22:15
Well fuck. I was doing fine. I was going to get a ton done tonight. Sure my back was in agony but nothing that a heating pad couldn't help. But then I get a knock on my door. In the end I'm dealing with paramedics. Nothing was serious but still. i was fine while they were all crowded in my room with some folks in the hall. I was fine making the phone calls talking to the people, standing in a corner of my room watching everything unfold. But then I crashed. I'm now just so unfocused. I can't concentrate on anything so everything is getting partially started but no where near completed. And now my back is hurting again. This isn't what I need. I'm worried about the resident. I'm worried about school. I'm worried about finishing it all. Gah. Why does everything always come crashing when I'm already struggling?