Feb 20, 2007 12:05
I'm taking an easier course load but I feel like I'm up to my eyeballs in meetings and "other" things. so today has been a "get it done" day. I got up and went to talk to my teacher that I observe. I've got the lessons that I'll be doing. I went to ABC (as it was before 8 and I couldn't do anything else until 8) and had a yummy pumpkin muffin and hot chocolate. Then I drove back to campus and went to see Barkley about applying for the Ambassador internship. (Can't do anything about that until Friday.) Then saw Hobby to ask him to write a recommendation for me to be a RA. Then went to tutor. Came back and met with Moseley about the conference and applying to get money from SGA. Then grabbed some food and headed to the summit group interview. man. and that was all before noon.
Still to do:
HW- Math
HW- Chess's paper
Summit Group Interview
So much to do so little time!