Sep 02, 2005 11:19
I like college.....
Today I was supposed to have Intro to the history of art 8:30 - 10:20 but I got there and the professor who was supposed to teach the class quit sono serioulsy class is over its friday I don't want to be here either we don't have a teacher so I went back to my dorm then speech comm 10:30 to 11:20 the teacher is really laid back and funny I like her so far plus at like 5 of 11 she was like ok go home... no seriously leave.... so that was sweet but now im bored... Jen and I are supposed to go to the gym but I dont think her class ends until after 12 ish... booo you whore....
Oh and I still dont have a fucking key to my room ! UGHHHHHHHHHH! Its so freaking aggravating
But thats my only complaint about college so far...
cool roomie.... check
minor homesickness ....check
feeling comfortable....check
NESN in dorm.....check
food = good .... check
not being lost all the time... check