[current mood |
nostalgic ]'
»read the signs //.
so, i've been thinking how easy it is to remember why you started something in the first place. one example would be all these journals i keep. or haven't been keeping as of late. it's like what i've been saying about my real journals... sometimes hey have different moods & when i'm not in that mood, i can't use that journal until i get back in that mood and mind set. the way i write in this thing has changed so much since i started it in 2001. and why shouldn't it? i'd think that if it didn't change in five years, then neither have i.
i'm not sure if i've been thinking too much about everything, but i just feel that while there are some things i need to forget, harriet, there's a lot that i shouldn't forget, JAMN. hanging out with jboo has just made me realize a lot of things. just the whole conversation we had with her mom...
i'm a sucker for coincidence, fate, destiny, all that jazz. but at the same time, i curse them for even existing. some of the little things i do, i end up wondering if i shouldan't have done this, shouldan't have done that, maybe something will be different. i wanted to steal keith's away message, but didn't want people telling me i stole it...
"Sometimes you gotta let your heart lead you, even if you know it's somewhere you're not suppose to be"
like so many other quotes, there's a truth too i that i hope i have. sometimes i think that last part should say "even if you know it's somewhere you don't want to be." either way. i just have to believe that what will be, will be and what will be, is what's supposed to be.
»the lil trooper that didn't live //.
before i go into my chronological order of events, i'll start with this:
so my dad has diabetes, i ono what type, but i know that if his blood sugar get too low he starts getting tired or starts like seeing things. so he's coming home one day & gets in a car accident. the car in front of him was going to make a u-turn, so he switches lanes & thought the light was still green. it wasn't. it was very red. so a car hits him i guess causing this:
so it doesn't seem all that bad and i prolly wouldn't have cost to much to repair; however, to avoid hitting the car more, he swirved into a yard. since the grass was wet, he couldn't stop and ran into a tree, causing this:
yeah... that one's pretty much unfixable. but at least my dad's ok... actually, if he hadn't run into the tree... he woulda crashed into the house. so on that note... here's what's been going on around the queen c.
»people of the world, spice up your life! //.
the first event on the agenda, was the spice girls party at rick's caberet, aka party at the strip club. don't have pics from there, since we left our stuff in the car. but jenn, jasmine, & i had something to drink compliments of jenn's first bf, odie.
it woulda been fun if jasmine came to the afer party, because maybe jenn & i woulda danced more.
jennyboonc: Coozesk8: i have a good picture of you nathan and cory and the lil anime girl
jennyboonc: you're the anime girl
» a night to remember //.
jasmine didn't want to go to prom, so we all went out to eat instead.
jenn, jasmine, me, courtney, and jenn angele.
we wanted to go somewhere after, but because of young'n's and lack of ideas, we went to courtney's house and had girl talk & strawberry daiquiris.
i wish i coulda hung out with courtney when she was still at tech. jenn & i can road trip places.
» it was the best of times, it was the worst of times //.
so, another friend of mine, steven, died. after five years, the class of '03 strikes again. with dan, it was just a slight shock. with rana, it was a ray of sunshine torn from everybody's lives. with steven, it's just surreal. what are you supposed to do when someone you went to school with for 12 years dies? and i'm not talking about the usual, yeah he went to my school. someone you actually talked to, rode the bus with, ate lunch with, sat with before school, activity period and after school, someone you actually cared for goes away forever and you can't remember the last thing you said to them and hoped it was something good. for some reason, i thought that some people who found out would have cared a bit more since we all went to the same school for so long. i guess it still just doesn't seem real. and like emily said, it was good seeing so many old friends, but it was sad considering the circumstances. it made me realize how much i miss hanging out with my class of '03 peeps. also, how i miss my class of '05 peeps. i'll find the time this sunmer to hang out with both.
» dancing in the moonlight //.
i can't forget the class of '04 either. even tho everyone's away. at least i was able to hang out with my favorite roomie, danni!
i love my ex-roomie to death. & i love how we can still talk about anything and everything.
i remember when anne came to visit tech & there was much chaos. but people are allowed to change & she's not so bad anymore. we chilled at her friends place, had a few beers to drink & went to the forum. suuuper crowed & twice the size of everything at tech. i saw my cousin, she looked great. i need to hang out with her too.
» california bound //.
i think everyone pretty much posted all the kdphi pics. so i'll just say that i had fun, espeically with my room. feed me late at night & let me watch cartoons, you get one craaaazzy aimee. i'm sure glo was glad she missed that night. because it was hilarious.
after convention, i went to san diego to chill with my cousins there we went to the beach & i like palm trees.
too bad my cousin, her friend & i didn't realize at the moment that taking the picture against the sun was a bad thing... oh well.
» life's a game //.
after san diego, my parents & i went to los angeles to hang out with the cousins there. we went to the docks and played games.
we found the DDR on speed again. i decided i'd just pwn at regular DDR instead of getting pwned and looking st00pid on this one.
old school pong. rock.
i always did have a soft spot for pacman. ;D heh.
we played a few rounds of air hockey, which i pwned at also. before we left, my cousin, nevin, wanted to win a candy bar at one of the lil games... he failed...
again, i pwned. it's hard to see, but he's infront of me walking away in shame. i win teh twix.
we went to a military base outlet mall thing... i got a monkey.
his name is chi chai monchan. i call him monchan. he's [[]D [] []V[] []D with his glasses & surfboard.
he likes the window seat.
» the following preview... //.
i'll post about jasmine's graduation & about jenn & my sk8board adventures later when i get more pics from jenn...but here's a preview.
it's time for me to eat. and work on other things.
the end.