I'm Walking in Memphis

Mar 02, 2006 16:24

Today sucked. Horribly. Like...Woah my god.

Band: Played a lot. Really boring. I don't like the new student teacher that much.

Art: Worked on the optical illusion and my purple sharpie ran out of ink. Great. Jeremy kept stealing my stuff.

Math: Started new lesson about like...linear growths and decays. Lots of homework.

Social Studies: So boring...I don't even remember about what. I do know that I like passed notes and doodled teh entire hour.

English #1: Read the "Tall-Tale Heart" with Melanie. It had a pretty bad ending.

Lunch: No comment. Ate pizza, and found out some idiot is spreading crap about me.

English #2: Went to book fair. Got two books. Almost broke down. Alysha was my 'physicatirst'

Science: Mrs. Stoughtons new catchphrase is SEXYSEXYSEXY. She called Mitchell sexy. Haha.

I-Time: Boring. Read the entire time, and bothered kyle, with his bookmark. haha.

Before the bus ride: To annoy andy, I decided to stand in front of his locker. Well, apparently he was in a bad mood, and he pushed me over. So I got up and punched him in the shoulder, without remembering I had on one of those pointy heart bracelets. The heart like, stabbed me, and stabbed holes through my shirt. Eek.

Then I came home and found out, my grandma's in the hospital. GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. that's just the icing to the cake.
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