Oct 15, 2007 10:19
Wow. I feel like it's been FOREVER since I last wrote on here. Maybe because it has.
Last time I typed an entry, I had just gotten asked out by John the day before!
Now... we just had our 1-month anniversary :)
Well I guess I'll go wayyy back, because I have some good stories.
That date with John was awesome. And by awesome I mean hilarious. Which is even better because that was the first date I've ever been on lol.
A bit of a background to the story: the weekend before our date some idiot threw a beer bottle through the back windshield of John's car, so he had to break the whole windshield out of the car and tape garbage bags over the giant gaping hole hahaha
So to start out, we're driving around in this car with garbage bags taped to the back, and when he was driving we couldn't even like talk because the bags were so freaking loud blowing in the wind. He was taking me to this Chinese restaurant because sesame chicken is both of our favorite foods, but he didn't know exactly where the restaurant was and he wouldn't even tell me where he was taking me hahaha. So we're driving down Mission St. and eventually we hit cornfields. Obviously not the right area lol, so we had to drive to the next town before we could turn around because Mt. Pleasant is in the middle of nowhere. When we're on our way back to Mt. Pleasant, the garbage bags started coming untaped hahaha and there are little glass shards flying up to the front seat occassionally!!! John was just like, "well... this isn't going exactly as I pictured it..." hahaha
It was hilarious.
So we stopped at a gas station to get directions and take the garbage bags off the back of the car.
We eventually made it to the restaurant, and everything went fine after that. Once we took the garbage bags off, the glass stopped flying around the car XD
Best first date story ever.
Skipping a few weeks, Homecoming was the last weekend of September, and that means Mock Rock!!!
Mock Rock was this competition between all of the dorms for who had the best (aka most ridiculous) dance. I choreographed ours. Since the theme for Homecoming was Marooned, we did Peter Pan for our dance, and I got to be Wendy :D
It was awesome. And we did amazingly, if I do say so myself. We totally deserved to win.
But oh well. It was still sooo much fun.
The next weekend I got to go home! And I visited my dance studio, which was so awesome because I got to see everyone and I missed them so much! Then I went to Churchill on Friday for my observations for Intro to Teaching. I went to CAPA for 1st and 2nd hour, which was just so amazing, because I didn't even realize how much I missed everyone there. I got to see Chicken Nuggets :D
And Jaycie and Alexis are in CAPA now. They're growing up so fast!!!
Then I went to Ms. Buchta's class for the rest of the day, which was a good time too. I got to each lunch with the foreign language department lol
Then Saturday night was Alyssa's surprise party. Kirsten drove me, and we were sitting in Alyssa's living room waiting for her to show up, when my phone rang and it was her! It was HILARIOUS. She invited me over that night! hahahaahaha
I was like, " Awww Alyssa, my parents won't let me go ut tonight... we're having a family night because I'm home for the weekend... sorry! Talk to you later though!" lol and she totally fell for it, and it was so great. Then she got there and we all yelled surprise and her mom pointed over at me and Alyssa was just like, "YOU LIAR!" and it was awesome.
And Steve and I played Bop It Extreme for like 2 hours hahaha
It turns out I'm pretty good at it!
Then Sunday I had to be back early for Infusion dance team auditions, and I made the team!!!!!!! Our first rehearsal is tonight at 8 and I am so ridiculously excited!
Last weekend was the road trip, and it was so much fun! It ended up being just me, John, Jake, Taylor, and Hillary, because Kristen's mom decided to come up here on Friday night and not let Kristen go with us :(
We were going to Frankenmuth first, and we totally got lost for a good 15-20 minutes in Midland lol. So we're driving around Midland for forever and Taylor's just complaining about how she needed a map or something, and she's like, "Can I..." and Jake just like randomly goes, "...get a what what?!" HAHAHAHAHAHA
And that was probably the highlight of my weekend. We were laughing sooooo hard. It was great.
Frankenmuth was a good time. I got some chocolate cheese. Then we went to my house for awhile and Emily came over!!! And Jake was so pumped because my dad made us hamburgers. hahaha
And we played some DDR which was a good time. And we went on the trampoline, which was also fun. Except it was mostly just me and Emily on the trampoline. But oh well.
Then we went to the drive-in and I always forget just how much I love that place until I go there again. The movie sucked, but the fact that it was at the drive-in just made it awesome. And they sold fried chicken at the concession stand XD
And rat-poison-flavored M&Ms, apparently.
Then we got back to my house and went to bed. We had to wake up at 7 the next morning so we could leave at 8 because Hillary had to be back for some dumb volunteering thing she signed up for lol
Then we got back and John and I went to the game, which would have sucked if we hadn't won. Nobody went, and it was freezing. It was ok though.
Then the rest of Saturday was amazing.
And Sunday morning ;)