This is gonna be a long one...

Jun 19, 2007 12:11

Ok... I haven't typed anything on here in foreverrr.

Let's see...
last day of school (haha yeah like I said, it's been awhile)... the cake walk was by far the best part. And by cake walk I mean walking down the hallways passing out cake to everyone I knew and a few people I didn't know. I met some guy named Mark lol; nice kid. I gave him cake. And I saw Kristin and Maddy sitting by the door in a classroom so I just walked in and gave them cake hahaha their teacher was a little confused. And I brought Meg cake, but she had to eat it in the hallway. And then her teacher yelled at me for being too loud. But hey, I'm totally used to that XD
So now I'm officially in grade V, which is the first professional grade. So yay me!
Hmm... all-night party was pretty fun. The hypnotist was the best part. Also I owned numerous people at DDR.
I went to the Nelly Furtado concert on the 11th and it was pretty good too. The bands that opened for her sucked though. The one dancer was exactly who Alyssa Simpson would be if she became a background dancer lol.
Then I had orientation on the 14th! Which was SWEET because I got to pick out my classes. And even cooler because my schedule ROCKS. I only have 1 class on Fridays and it's at 8 am so I basically have the whole day free! And I have all my evenings free for dance lol
I'm taking Intro to Teaching, Intro to Honors, Honors World Cultures, Intermediate Spanish 2, and Calc 2. And I'm pretty excited.
It turns out that Spanish 202, which is what I placed into and therefore what I'll be taking, is actually really impressive for a freshman so yay!
And I wasn't originally signed up for a math class, but I wanted to take calc so I had to go talk to the math department head or whoever that lady was lol and it was really funny. I was like, "well I'm not signed up for a math class but I want to take calc 2," and she was like, "oh ok, well I see you're majoring in secondary education. What kind of math do you want to teach?" hahaha and I was just like... "well actually I want to teach Spanish... I just like calculus." And she gave me a funny look XD
Good times.
And since I was the ONLY ONE out of the 300 kids at my orientation session who wants to major in a foreign language, I had a ono-on-one session with the French professor lol, because he's the department head. And I guess my Spanish professor won the award for like best teacher or something 2 years ago, which is cool.
And oh the honors program goes to Mexico every year to help orphans!!! And I am sooo pumped for that lol.
And I made friends with a girl staying 3 rooms away from me. And I met the RA for the floor above me. I think that's about it for that.
Recital... oh man.
Dress rehearsal hahaha! My dad got all the good parts (i.e. pranks) on tape. WOO! Wash That Man was the funniest thing I have ever seen! Not to mention definitely the best prank anyone has ever played!!!
Construction/Bamboo actually looked pretty good! It was funny!
And I totally forgot about Get Up Offa That Thing until I watched it lol, it was hilarious because Miss Becky didn't even get it until we explained it to her hahaha
Saturday's show went pretty well... I was kinda sad that I had no one to perform for, but then I saw Mary and Shannon and Alicia, so that made it a little better. I totally randomly screwed up in Wash That Man and did the wrong arms at one point though, which sucks because I've never even done that wrong before lol! Then it was Ryanne's grad party. I basically showed up, talked a little, then left. Even Ryanne left her own party lol because we were all so exhausted.
Sunday's show was sweet, but it didn't go as smoothly. But everyoneee came, so yay! Except for all the dumb people that cancelled on me. But oh well.
And I didn't even cry until later lol. I was doing really well with not crying until I went to say bye to Miss Becky. I don't even think I can manage to go into how sad I am about leaving right now or I'll start crying again.

So then I went to Izzy's grad party, which was amazing because I haven't seen her or talked to her in 2 years lol! And she hasn't changed a bit from what I can tell lol. She even looks exactly the same. So that was really fun.

And I got my hair cut yesterday!!! I've been saying for months that the day after recital I was gonna get it cut to my shoulders, and I did! And it's pretty cute if I do say so myself.

Wow. ok I'm pretty sure I'm done now. Congratulations if you actually read all of that!
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