Oct 21, 2013 10:33
I know it's been like, forever since I last posted. I now have another Journal because I thought I'd never see this one again. It's been like ever since I posted in here. And to tell you the truth, I don't think I want to update this journal anymore. I'm really bored and I don't have much to talk about. I'm not much of a talker and there isn't much in my life to really look forward to. It's the same old thing every day and I don't find anything to Journal about. Maybe I should work on responding to prompts. I can only update on weekends. I could talk about my weekend. Today is Monday and I'm updating today because Iam on vacation. I'm in LA and in the hotel. It's a really nice Hotel and it's kinda boring at the same time. I'm stuck here all day and there isn't much to do. My Mom is working and she travels while she works. Usually I stay in a group home, but this time I was able to go with my Mom. Which is good because I needed the break. Anyways, my new Journal is located at Christy1983 Hope to see ya soon. Bye.