Oct 09, 2006 23:05
So... I could not sleep at all Thursday night... it didn't help that I didn't finish packing until 1 in the morning. But I was up and at 'em on Friday morning. My dad dropped me off at Rachel's house and Natalie and I watched Rachel pack until it was time to head over to Rachel's church. I was glad we weren't the only three from Ballard going--Michelle Elder and Izzy Jones, both on Ballard softball with Rachel, were going too. I'm gonna be honest--I couldn't wait to meet new guys either.
So Rachel, Michelle, and Izzy stole the big backseat of the coach bus while Nat and I sat in the seat second to the back. Even though it was around 10 in the morning when we headed out, Nat and I had our own dance party on the way down. All rap and hip-hop, all from Natalie's iPod. At some point, a guy really close to Rachel, Cambron, came and sat with Petey and I like automatically became attracted to him. I dished some info on him, and he's a sophomore at Manual... in MST... with a girlfriend. Luckily, according to Petey, she's totally unattractive, but now I feel so blessed just to know him. There were so many awesome people on this trip that I got to know because of the trip... Cambron, Travis (a sophomore at Eastern), Marissa (Jr-Manual), Amanda (Jr-Male), Troy (Fr-Eastern), Hannah (Fr-Manual) and I could go on and on.
We got to Sandusky around 5:30 ish, had our first session (which lasted about an hour), and were in Cedar Point by 7 pm. We ended up having 3 sessions total--they were pretty good. I seriously want to be involved in church now--MUMC specifically. The youth minister, Chuck, was so amiable and really opened my eyes to what I've been missing basically all 16 years of my life--I've been missing my relationship with God. I feel like going to First Christian church for the time I did was not influential enough on me, because now I'm pretty much a-religious. I have morals, which are based off what I think a good Christian SHOULD do, but it wasn't until this trip that I realized I need someone, or some group, to guide me to make a good relationship with God and in becoming a more spiritual person.
So... about the park. AMAZING. The first night, there were literally NO lines... we rode Millennium Force TWICE, Magnum XL-200 TWICE, Top Thrill Dragster, Iron Dragon, MaXair, Wicked Twister, and I think that covers them all.
On Millennium Force, you feel so vulnerable, because there's nothing on the side of the train, nothing on the side of the track that you can see, so it feel as though it's just you, the heavens, and Lake Erie... and you're heading 310 feet upwards before this 80 degree drop where you literally come inches out out of you seat, and you keep wishing you had tightened your seat belt more. It's truly indescribable. There's also sporadic tunnels that make you suck in your breath... but still, there's nothing in the world like that first drop... you can literally see across all of Lake Erie.
Magnum XL-200 was the one that really established (for me)that the people who designed these roller coasters not only wanted the factual greatness--speed, height, drops, etc; but they also wanted a ride that would truly be enjoyable for the rider. The ascendation for the first hill was illuminated at night, and then a series of ups and downs that you could never fully prepare for, along with the various tunnels that sent you into complete darkness, made this one my favorite ride.
(break for patricia's party)
so... i guess i'll write about patricia's party and get back to the other business later.
ok, so patricia's party was AWESOME. things were kinda slow to start off... mostly me scarfing tortilla chips and queso dip and people chillin. Then I got tossed in the hammock by Clay, and then Nick and Sarah BROKE the UNBREAKABLE hammock. It was IN-sane. haha. The precious Brazilian hammock. Then we decided chips and dip and skittles and M & M's weren't enough, so we had pizza too. By this point, me, Patricia, Emily, Clay, Jeremy, Dean, Zoe, Alex, Jackie, Nick and Sarah were there. After pizza, we went out to play this game where one person hides and everyone else travels in a group to find them and then the person hiding jumps out and scares everyone else and the group runs back to base so they don't get tagged. The first person tagged is "it." When Jordan came over half way through it, we decided to head up to Dunn for some hide 'n seek. So Clay, Dean, Alex, Jordan and I got ahead of everyone else (Emily had to get her flip flops) and hid behind a bush to try to scare everyone. While we were waiting for everyone else to catch up, Clay heads over to another bush and takes a whiz. After like ten minutes we get a call to realized we went the wrong way... so we head back and finally meet up w/ everyone else. Then Nick, being the deusch he is (kidding), is being crazy, ends up tripping Dean, who dominoely trips Alex, who face plants into the pavement. She's there for like two minutes, then the side of her face and hands and a little of her knees are slightly bleeding, so Nick helps her home. Oh, at this point, Dave (Pappy's lil bro) was with us--he joined in during the scare hide 'n seek game. I felt bad for Alex, but I've hopped up from MUCH worse falls--eg the faceplant I pulled in front of like 1/4 of the football team and some guys in the pot lot during the bonfire at Ballard. Ugh.
And then we got back to Patricia's house, did the whole cake thing, and then Clay took pictures of like everyone with cake all over their teeth. SO embarassingly funny. As we headed downstairs, Kate came in in time for presents. What's funny is me, Jer, and Zoe got Patricia something from Bath and Body Works--but mine was cooler cause I got her a cute green jersey-esque tee from Old Navy. Yeah. After presents, I danced like the biggest whore ever. Clay got a picture of me, Kate, AND Patricia dancing like there's no tomorrow... and no cameras. Man! Speaking of inappropriate pics of me, at some point Clay got a pic of me with the slightest bit of my bra showing. He's like "That's hot," and I'm like "No, it's really not," and he replies with a smile, "It really is hot." Can you say the biggest flirt EVER? So basically all night was spent flirting with Clay, Dean, and Nick. I don't know why... I just like doing it... not so much Nick... but I don't know. Maybe I'm just lonely or something. Speaking of FLIRTING, Jeremy (at least it seemed to me) was kinda all over Patricia... but that's an outside perspective. Also, Patricia was hitting Jeremy... the way she always did with Andy. Maybe she does that with everyone? But I dunno, they could happen as easily as they couldn't. And then pre-pizza Nick read these messages between Ben (Amchin) and Jackie on myspace and Ben TOTALLY dissed Nick in them.... funny all the same. some ppl did try to give me grief over homecoming, but nothing they said could make me regret my decision... cedar point was the best trip of my life... along with mexico. it's hard to not have a trip with your best friend out of the country NOT be your favorite trip.
so back to cedar point.. on the second day, after we got of the gemini (like twisted sisters in that two trains on two different tracks run... except in the gemini it's like their racing each other, and its 10,000,000,000 times better), the cops escorted out this 60ish year old man who was drunk off his ASS.... i have never seen someone so drunk... it was disgusting yet funny. But Michelle Elder, Izzy Jones, petey, natalie and I all bonded SO much! Izzy thinks Jeremy is cute so she and I talked about my relationship with him... it was nice. She's a sweetheart. As is Michelle--although she and I had a hard time communicating at first, probably b/c i can be awkward and she's slightly unapproachable... at first.
But seriously, this entire weekend has been the ultimate fall break... i hope my halloween party measures up! hehe. tomorrow i just have... an english project, some math to finish up, and APUS supplement work i won't do b/c i left the supplement book at home... oops. wednesday morning! ohh, all that plus a ceiling tile on puritanism... yay!!!