I can't think of anything creative at all.

Oct 09, 2007 18:04

So back in March when I was creating my schedule, I had to deal with getting an override from the Management department. They really pissed me off, and now 7 months later they have granted me an override. Unfortunately its not the one I wanted. They must have created a new section, and it doesn't fit with my schedule. Unless there is a way to take a negative 10 minute walk from Hubbard to Eppley. Which it isn't. Its a regular 10 minute walk. Meaning I would be 20 minutes late for my later class, or I would have to leave my earlier class 20 minutes early. And seeing as both are 400 level management classes that I absolutely need to graduate, I can't really do this. I'm glad they finally did something, but that was not what I wanted. I sent them an email saying that this doesn't work and the full section 2 is the only section that fits in my schedule. Whores.

Thursday night I went home because I had a doctor's appointment on Friday morning, and halfway home my Sudafed wore off and I felt horrible. I seriously wanted to pull over on the side of I-75 and cry. But I made myself drive home. I walked in the door and pretty much right after welcoming me home, my Mom told me I didn't look good and had my Dad take me to urgent care. Turns out I had an ear and throat infection, and a buildup of wax in my right ear. They flushed it and man does that hurt! If you've never had it, please take care to keep wax buildups out of your ears! I have drugs and I'm starting to feel a lot better now. My ear is still a bit plugged, but overall I'm feeling much better. Still have almost zero appetite, but its slowly coming back.

Career fair+ Sick Rachel=not cool

I won't even go into that football game on Saturday....

I don't know how Best Buy can claim my battery is fine when Just after pulling my iPod off the charger which said the battery was full, I tried to click down to the play songs feature and after 1 click, the battery craped out on me. It was a damn good thing I was getting into my car and have a charger in there. I guess I'll just have to keep my wall charger on my all the time so that if it dies in class I can find an outlet to plug her into.

I hate Finance

sick, school, ipod

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