May 30, 2007 11:34
So its been a while since I've posted on here. I keep thinking of things worthy of sharing but I just never want to post. I guess renewing my paid subscription was a waste of $30.
Anyway, school's been out for a month. I made the Dean's List this semester (yay!) and got a fancy letter of congratualtions from the Broad College. I think its on the fridge now.
I borrowed a ton of books from Dana and I am nearly through with them all! I took a week and a half reading hiatus then picked it right back up again. I've read 3 over the weekend. I have pretty much decided that I am going to try and reread Harry Potter 1-6 by July 21st when book 7 comes out. I heard this morning that they moved the release date of the 5th move up 2 days (wtf?) so it comes out the 11th rather then 13th (why a Wednesday?)
I also read today that livejournal is purging a ton of journals and communitites because of pedophiles and incest and that kind of thing. It sounds kind of rediculous to me that anything that might point to these things (take for instance fandoms where people ship adults with children). Lets target the actual pedophiles rather then fandoms, ok?
So my summer's been dull so far. I've hardly worked. I finished my Mom's Christmas quilt and its super pretty. I'm very proud of it. I also finished Becky's because I was bored and she was never going to do it herself. She actually haad a lot of it done, I finished it all in one day. I started a quilt for my bed at school. I saw it flipping though a magazine and realy liked it, and my bed at school still has a twin sized comforter on it (its a full sized bed) which looks a tad tacky. I bought all the fabric and started it yesterday. Its going to be very pretty. And we got all the fabric on sale, and they had this deal where it was 75% off all the excess on the spool (is that the right word), like if you want 3 yards and there's 3.7 yards left, you get the 3 for whatever price its marked at and you can get the last .7 at 75% off. So we did that on two of the fabrics that I needed more then a 1/4 yard of.
I watched all of Friends the past few weeks and now I am on Full House. I think I am going to go throguh all of my TV shows on DVD, but like 30 seconds after I watched the Friends series finalie I wanted to start over, so who knows, I may go back to Friends after Full House. Oh the joy that is my life...
I really need a second job. I went into this summer thinking I would have 2 jobs and now I barely have one. On the last schedule I had 15 hours and on this one its the same. That's over 2 weeks, not just 1. that would be wonderful for 1 week. Freedom Hill never called me, so much for having a connection. I've applied at a few other places since then (a scrapbook store and Things Remembered-both of which had Now Hiring signs posted) and haven't heard anything. Although I just turned in the Things Remembered one on Sunday. So if anyone knows of anywhere that is hiring, let me know. Of if anyone wants to hire a house cleaner or baby sitter or do walker or butler or anything, let me know. haha! I need something because I can't go the whole summer just being Hallmark's backup person. I'm sick of that crap there. ALmost everyone has more hours in a week then I do over 2. And half the people there have 2nd jobs! Its very frustrating.
I'm also very sick of not having friends. Seriously. Why can't I just take initiaitive once in a while? Because while I haven't heard anything from anyone all summer, I haven't exactly put anything out there either. Although what good is it when everyone is doing something with other people all the time. But this is the same thing that made last summer suck. I'm going to try and not let it bother me. But why does it feel like I am a minor character in my own life? Shouldn't I be the leading lady in my own life? You'd think, right? I keep waiting for something to happen, and I'm afraid that I alredy may have missed it, because I'm too afraid to go after things. Sheesh, I'm sick of it all. I want things to change but I don't know how to make that change. I want to get out of this limbo because I feel like nothing is every going to happen. I just sit around and twiddle my thumbs. And that's not going to change the world, that's for sure.
I need to stop here before I get to whiny or too philosophical or something. I am hungry, and I want to doa little sewing before work (ironic how I just complained about no hours and yet I post this on the one day this week I work.) Hopefully it won't be another month before I post again, but most likely it will be