you're not Jewish, shut up

Nov 16, 2006 17:53

Oh I am so glad its the weekend! Its been crummy out all day today. and because of the fact it is practically Monsooning, I was on like a million busses today. it all started at 7:45 am, when I was on my first bus of the day. class was as dull as usual, and then I was on bus #2 going home. The bus sat in front of the Union for just shy of 10 minutes because there was 4 charter buses in the way. They didn't really look in the way, but the first one was making the turn onto Abbott too sharp for the #26 to make, so the bus driver had to go get someone to move it. that was kind of annoying. So I get back to the apartment at like 10:15. didn't want to get moving, but I did. It was raining pretty heavy when I had to go to accounting. the bus was splashing water like 5 feet up along Abbott, it was crazy. I decided that because it was raining so heavy I wasn't walking to Wilson, so I got on the Holden bus to take me to class. Bus #4 in case you were trying to keep track. Presented our accounting project and Dale said we did good and he had no questions for us...yay! gt on the Akers bus to take me to Hubbard (am I confusing anyone yet?) which makes bus #5. Discussed bus ettiquite with Elizabeth and laughed at the morons who wouldn't move back when the bus driver played the "please move to the back of the bus" clip. This bus got me pretty close and I only had to walk in the rain a little bit. went to Sparty's to get some chocolate covered pretzels then went down to class. Dale let us out way early because he was hungover so I got there with like 20 minutes. Talked with the kid I always talk to before that class about Christmas movies (he's Jewish, it was odd) and the obsurdity of Easter and the bunny. Bus Law was pretty damn funny. We're talking about sexual harassment and my prof told us about a case she had where a woman's boss said she had a nice ass and proceeded to rub it, and he did it daily. It was pretty funny, just because it was so absurd. It was actually a pretty funny class today, although we always have good times there. Again, I didn't want to walk in the rain so I caught the Bordy bus (#7) to take me to the CATA station where I caught the #26 home (bus #8 of the day.) There is a kid that I see on Thursday's that looks an awful lot like Jessica's boyrfriend Anthony, at least from the side. He was sitting acriss from me and I realized that while he doesn't look exactly like Anthony, the resemblence is still freaky. Due to continuing downpour, I decided to just take the bus to Capstone instead of getting off at Lake Lansing. All in all, I've been on buses for way longer then anyone should in one day.

I'm pretty sleepy right now. I didn't sleep very well last night. This morning, I rolled over and brished up against my moshi pillow and Doggie, and for a second I thought, "Aww,Stevie" and then I rememberd that I am at school. The next second, my alarm woke up and I was really bummed out. If I wasn't desperate for every damn point I can get in Marketing, I would have turned it off and gone back to bed. But seeing as I got 16 out of 30 on my last exam (which he curved thank God!) I need every attendance point I can get.

Tomorrow, Jessica and I are having a Friends Thanksgivig marathon. I was looking at the DVDs today, and I don't think they had a Turkey Day eppisode in season 2. I am very surprised by that because the Thanksgiving eppisode is like an institution. It may be there and just cleavery disguised, but I couldn't figure it out.

I have so much reading to do this weekend. I have to read a chapter in Bus Law, catch up in Marketing (I had a "i'm not going to read this time" theroy going on and seeign as I got a 16, tghat's cleary not a good policy so I am reading this time or at least trying), do my Accounting homework for Monday, and read for religion. Not sure how much I will actually get done, but its all on my list. Actually, I should be doing some of it now, but I'm schooled out for now.

I think that is about it.

marathons, sleep, buses, homework, rain, school, friends

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