everytime i watch now & then i want to ride my bike somewhere, have a tree house, and play red rover

Feb 03, 2006 12:49

Name: rachel
Age: 19
Gender: female
Birthdate: october 28, 1986
Birth Place: grosse pointe, Michigan
Current Location: East Lansing, Michigan
Family Members living with you: mom, dad, 2 sisters
Middle Name: lynne
Hieght: 5'1
Weight: it has been a while since i have stepped on a scale
Eye Color(s): brown
Hair Style: currently up, but i am waiting on my atraightener to heat up
Hair Color: dark brown
Grade: sophomore in college
Sports: um, none
Hobby(s): sleeping, hanging with friends, reading when i find a good book to read, story writing
Pets: stevie and shanny

Color: pink
Food: chicken
Candy: skittles
Movie: now and then
Season: summer
Book: Harry Potter series, angela's ashes
Day of the week: Saturday
Month: june
Time: 10:37 pm
Number: 2
Animal: penguin
Pastime: hanging with my girls
Band: Rascal Flatts, Lonestar
Song: I have my lots
Internet Site: MySpace, LJ
Gender: I like zee boys
Store: Aeropostale
Ice Cream Flavor: mackinac island fudge
Scent: green appley stuff, vanilla
Eye Color: blue or green
Hair Color: brown or black
Subject: history
Place to Visit: any friends
Grade, so far: 12th
Holiday: Christmas
Dog breed: i love em all!
Game: monopoly
Actor: emilio estevez (gordon bombay baby!!) actually i don't really have a favorite
Singer: neil diamond....
Actress: jesnnifer aniston, reese witherspoon
Childhood toy: barbies
Restaurant: chilis
Type of music: country
Pair of shoes you own: my really cute shoes havet yet to wear

Do You...<3
Smoke: no
Drink: occasionally
Do illegal drugs: no
Use perscription drugs: when perscribed
Suffer from Depression: a little bit
Suffer from O.C.D: YES!
Suffer from Bipolar disorder: no
Suffer from ADD/ADHD: sometimes I think so
Suffer from anxiety: not really
Suffer from any other mental/emotional disorder: no
Have a boy/girlfriend: no
Have a crush: no
Have your own room: yes
Own computer?: yes
Own TV?: yes
Live alone?: no
Masturbate?: no
Use people: no
Cheat on people: no
Lie to loved ones: if i must
binge and purge: no
starve yourself?: no
Cut/Burn yourself?: no
Have tattoos: no
Pericings: yes
Have a Job: yes....at hell!
Have a band: no
Play an instrument: no
Love your family: of course
Go to church: not since Christmas
Pray: sometimes
Drive: yes
Think about suicide: no
Use guns: no
Like violence: no
Like school: eh, not really
Like the same sex: as friends
Sing: not well
Dance: as if no one was watching.....only when no one really is watching!
Act: no
Cook well: i can bake!
Draw well: not a chance
Write well: yes
Preform well: what kind of performance we talking about here folks
Earn good grades: yeah
Have implants/plastic sugery/botox: nope
Died: obviously not homeslice
Slept all day: nope
Didnt sleep for more than 25 hours: yes
Stolen from a friend: not without their consent
Starved yourself: i like food too much
Eaten a reptile: no
Broken somones bone: no
Which ones?: ---
Had group sex: no
Beaten up someone: no
Saw someone die: no
Spent the night at a cemetary: no
Dyed your hair an unnatural color for attention: nope
Slept with a bathing suit on: nope
Thought about suicide?: no
Cut yourslef: no
Burned yourself: no
Cryed yourself to sleep: yes
Drank yourself to sleep: no
Stolen anything: no
Had a nervous breakdown: yes...last semester was pretty damn close!
Cussed your mom/dad out: no
Been Backstabbed: yes
Kept a secret from everyone: yes
Broken the law: technically
Tryed commiting suicide: no
Been out of the country: yes
Played Strip Poker: no
Gone skinny dipping: no
Played Truth or Dare: yes
Ran away for more than 24 hours: no
Been on a plane: yes
Been forced to do something sexual: no
Watched Pornography: no
Made Pornography: no
Taken nude pictures of yourself: no
Dyed your hair: yes
Peirced yourself: no
Cussed out a teacher: no

Best: Lindsay, jessica, christina, brian
Closest: Lindsay and jessica
Oldest: susan
Newest: Anthony
Tallest: Larry
Shortest: Diane
Shyest: becky
Loudest: jessica
Smartest: jessica and brian...but they are all smart!
Hottest: all of them yo
Most Troubled: it seems to be erica right now
Bitchiest: Lindsay
Most Sexually active: Lindsay

Addictions and Obsessions..<3
Adicted to drugs: no
Addicted to sex: no
Addicted to anything else?: no
Obsessed with anyone: no
Obsessed with looks: no
Obsessed with weight: no
Obsessed with how people see you: a little...i try not to be though

Last Person..<3
You called: papianos
You kissed: Anthony....haha, although me and jess are going to make out! haha!
You hugged: jess
You held hands with: jess
You Cryed to: linz and jess
You Yelled at: jess
You asked for advice: jess
You saw a movie with: jess
You IMed: jess
You talked to in person: jess
Who cussed at you: jess
Who hit you: jess
Who hurt your feelings: i think it was an ununtentional hurting of the feelings by linz and jess
Who called you a degrading name: jess
Who comforted you: i don't know the last time i was comforted....maybe my mom?
You were in love with: --
You had a serious relashonship with: --

Deep Thoughts, Questions, Beliefs..<3
Believe there is a Heavan and Hell: yes
Does God have a Gender: he is the father of Christ, he is male
Where we go when we die: heaven
Who is greater, Satan or God: God, duh
Life on other planets: not in this solar system
Are ghosts real: yes
Magic?: i like to believe it is
Do you wish on stars: i have in the past
Believe in Astrology and all that Jazz?: i believe in the jazz, not the astrology (lol, that's too good not to keep)....but to add, my horoscope seems to think i have a very active sex life, which i obviously don't so its kinda hard to believe in that stuff

Are you..<3
Beautiful: i don't think so
Ugly: no
Shy: yes
Quiet: at times
Loud: at other times
Out-Going: can be
Confident: not at all
Okay with people: people are morons
Submissive: kinda
Dominate: I have my moments
Smart: yes
Dumb: once again, I have my moments
Content: yes
Hated: not that I know of
Loved: yes
Envyed: I doubt it
Wanted: yes by a certain boy I know(haha, jess's answer fits for me too...and the same certain boy!)
Accepted: i guess
Weird: very much
An outcast: no
Rejected: i feel like it sometimes
Understood: nope
Cold: no
Respectful: for the most part
Organized: yes
Messy: not really
Shallow: no but I can be
Deep: not really
Feared: no
Slutty: no
Artistic ha, no
Talented: not really
Obsessive: yes
Addicted: no
In love: no
Worried: i worry alot about everything possible!
Anxious: yes
Excited: not currently
Tired: always
Energetic: sometimes
Talkative: always
Trustworthy: yes
Repetitive: yes
Perverted: no

This or That..<3
Sex/Drugs: sex
Abortion/Suicide: abortion
Cuts/Burns: cuts
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: summer
Hot/Cold: cold
Fall/Spring: spring
Old/Young: young
Music/Silence: music
CD's/Radio: iPod
Inside/Outside: inside
Boys/Girls: boys
Pornography/Photography: photography
Black/White: black
Horror/Drama: drama
Reading/Writing: writing
Movies/Shopping: movies
Shoes/Sandles: sandals
Ocean/Pool: ocean
Slides/Swings: swings
Mysapce/VF: MySpace
Feet/Hands: hands
Serial Killers/Rapists: umm...neither
AIM/YAhoo: aim
Planes/Cars: cars
Hot/Gorgeous: gorgeous
Sex/Kissing: kissing
Diamonds/Love: love
Coke/Pepsi: Pepsi
Vanilla/Chocolate: chocolate
Fat/Skinny: in between
Tall/Short: tall
Loners/Stoners: loners

For or Against..<3
Abortion: for
Gay Marrage: for
Suicide: against
Freedom of Speach: for
Uniforms: against
Drugs: against
Pornography: for
Chat Rooms: ehhh
Group Sex: againsts
Sex Toys: for
Segregation: against yo
Racism: against
Sexism: against
Stem-cell research: for
Religion: for
Love: for
Sin: some sins are fun
Lust: it happens
Greed: greed gets you weed (lol nice katie)
Bush: against
Government: they suck
School: they suck too
Opinions: yay for opinions!
Animal Abuse: against
Child Abuse: against, duh
Music: for, sing with me baby!

At this Moment are you..<3
Tired: yes
Bored: yes
Hungry: no i just ate lunch
Thirsty: yes
High: no
Drunk: no
Horny: no
Listening to Music: no
Worried: we got no troubles, life is the bubbles!
Online: yes
On the phone: no
Drinking: no
Eating: no
Singing: no
Whats on your mousepad: don't have one
Lonley: yes
Content: yes
What are you wearing: jeans, msu t-shirt
In a serious relashonship: no (why is the last of every section like this?)

Turn On, Turn Off..<3
Pain: off
Blood: off
Gentleness: on
Roughness: on, sometimes
Submissive: on
Dominance: on
Body Hair: off
Tall: on
Short: off
Pale: off
Fat: off
Tan: on
Kissing: on
Heat: on
Lips: on
Tattoos: on
Peircings: depends where
Music: on
Innocence: ehh
Dirtyness: on
Size: on ;)
Love: on

Favorite things about the Opposite sex..<3
Eye Color: blue or green
Hair Color: brown or black
Hair length: short
Height: tall enough so he's still taller than me when I am wearing heels
Skin Tone: white
Intellagence level: I gotta be able to hold an intelligent conversation with them

Number of..<3
Concerts you've been to: 4, amy grant, aaron carter neil diamond, green day...oh and i saw the ebach boys at bob-lo island years ago (as if the name bonb-lo doesn't date that enough!)
Sexual Partners: 0
Siblings: 2
Best Friends: 4
Schools you've been to: 6, building bridges, havel, bemis, ford, gvsu, msu
Times you've moved: 1
ex's: 0
Pets: 2
SN's you've made: i have had 2, but i never even used the new one, so i'm gonna stick with 1
Times you've cryed in this week: well i was almost in tears the other day over dana's journal, does that count?


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