did you lose an incredible amount of weight, and now your sexy? yes

Dec 09, 2005 16:05

L//O/O/K/ /A/T/ /M/E/
x Whats your natural hair color?: Brown
x What is your current hair color? Brown with caramel and red highlights
x What color are your eyes?: brown
x Current Piercings?: 2 in each ear, 1 in left cartilege
x Long or Short Hair?: long
x Straight or Curly? its in this weird in between stage...but i make it straight
x How tall are you?: 5'1
x Whats your shoe size?: 6 1/2

/C/U/R/R/E/N/T/L/Y/ W/E/A/R/I/N/G
x What shirt are you wearing? hard rock cafe paris t-shirt
x shorts/pants/ are you wearing?: Black sweatpants
x Socks?: None
x Underwear?: uh...i think its striped
x Necklaces?: Nope
x Braclets?: a plain black rubber band on my left wrist
x Lipgloss?: No
x Mascara?: No
x Eyeliner?: yes
x Any other make up?: yeah, but minimal amounts
x Is your hair up or down?: down, but its drapoed over the back of the futon right now

/T/H/I/S/ O/R/ /T/H/A/T/
Rock or Rap: Rock
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: Hot cocoa
Baseball or Softball: Baseball
Wild Night out or Romantic Night in: Romantic night in
Top or Bottom: Bottom
Front or Back: Front
Up or Down: Up
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Hummer or Sports Car: Sports car
Bracelet or Necklace: braclet
Pink or Purple: Pink
History or Science: History
Sleep in or Early to rise: Sleep in
Beach or Boardwalk: Beach
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: Hoodie
Night Or Day: Night
High School or College: College...but with my two bestest high school buddies
White or Black: Black
Jeans or Capris: Jeans
love or fun: Fun
California or Florida: Florida
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: Simple Plan
Love at first sight or Learn to Love: both
Babe or Baby: Babe
This Or That: That

/H/A/V/E/ Y/O/U/ E/V/E/R/
Kissed the opposite sex?: nope
Kissed the same Sex?: nope
Hugged someone?: Yeah
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: No
Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours?: Pretty close
Gone Skinny dipping?: No
Flashed anyone?: No
Mooned anyone?: No
Laughed so hard you pissed in your pants?: No
Got in a fight with someone (not including siblings)?: Verbally, yes

/T/H/E/ L/A/S/T/
person you talked to in person?: jessica
person you talked to online?: Lindsay
person you talked to on the phone?: mom
drank?: water
laugh?: just now
last time you had a shower?: last night

Do you like surveys?: Yes, I am addicted
What kind of shampoo do you use?: currently-Suave apple
Do you ever wonder what your life will be like 10 years down the road?: Yep
Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years? terrified
You get along with your parents?: Yes
Are you old enough to vote?: Yes
Are you happy?: mostly
Are you sad?: I have my moments
You have mental breakdowns?: yeah...every day of my life
Did you ever tell you parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school?: i never did that
Do you have a cell phone: Yes


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