i feel the need to update about my boring life...

Sep 21, 2005 22:06

not much is going on in my life. class, homework, friends, food, lather rinse and repeat. that's about it.

the kid who was sitting next to me in com today smelled horrible...like bad bo! eww! and even worse, he was all like leaning my way so i was trying to avoid touching (if you know me at all you know i have issues with people i don't know touching me-for instance, the other day in com, the girl to my left would rub her arm against me while writting. why she felt the need to stretch her elbow halfway across my seat ot my side, i don't know but it really bugged me!) anyway, i was tres thankful that noone was sitting on my left because i was taking over that seat too...i have such issues.

yeah so whenever i am pmsing, i get really hungry, which i was today. i ate so much food today! well this normally lasts a few days, but for me today it lasted a few hours! i was tres surprised by this. of course, i hate that i am msing right now, but its not like i msed last week or anything (thank god that only happened once!) ok, well that's about it on this subject

now back to the regularly scheudled livejournal post...

i don't want to go to class tomorrow...its not even tomorrow and i already don't wanna go. that's sad. i can't wait for the weekend. me and jess are gonna go to the campus movies and see madagascar and then the longest yard. should be fun...i have plans for the weekend! wahoo! wow i'm sad.

i am so tired. i should go to bed early tonight. but i know that won't happen. i just wish i could sleep straight through the night. it sucks waking up 15 times before my alarm (doesn't) go off. and my god damned alarm! its a damn good thing i happen to have a built in alarm thing in my body to wake me up, i would have missed class all week. my volume keeps turning itself down and i don't hear it. well last night i made sure the volume was loud enough, but me the jackass didn't set the alarm! wow, i'm brilliant!! haha!

i love gunther

its hot outside again! why god why? i mean i had just gottne all happy with the coolness that has taken over the lovely land called michigan, when the weather bithces decided to yank us back into summer. damn you michigan! &#%@&!!!!! (that really doens't say anything, its just a bumch of letters...don't try to figure that out)

me and jess are going to write some drama!! time to go!

ramble, msing, friends

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