Jul 06, 2008 21:48
I am awful at carrying something through. I'm an aries and apparently, that tendency goes with my sign. We're all GUNG HO on the front end of any endeavor we embark upon but after a while...we get bored and/or just give up. We're like a rocket. We burn hot and intense early on and then we just coast.
So, using my own tendencies against myself, I'm going to challenge myself to just 30 days.
Only 30 days.
- 30 days of sticking to eating better and less
- 30 days of working out Monday - Friday for at least 1 hour
- 30 days of taking a multivitamin daily
- 30 days of actually taking care of my skin
- 30 days of investing in myself...my health and appearance, which I rarely do.
You see, since I don't have an "other" to hold me back the "other" has only melted into the current and really just is happy to let me stay the way I am or just get bigger.
I have the ability to change this.
I will change the script for 30 days.
Tomorrow will be day 1.
It's only 30 days.