Sep 19, 2005 08:57
yesterday was SO much fun-
well the only thing i liked about school was that we cadenced through the halls 8th hour. That is SUCH an energy rush.
Then after that I went to dance and worked on my solo and hip hop group.
I love my solo song. it is SO random! lol... me and my random music
AFter that I went To utica for the football game *which we won!* The school we played against had this pep band which was REALLY bad. lol
The stand cheers rocked!
AFter the game we ACITU ACITU back to utica to get out stuff to leave. Then after that meave mike jaimie lizzz chris and color gurad ppl and eric and some stu co ppl went to chris houses. oo- and myself ;).
That was yet again another "bonding experince".
we watched shrek.. and had pop corn pop and candy like no other.
SO MANY CARBS 80. but that is ok today i have dance from lik 10-7:15. i gotta burn those carbs up.
AHHH i just realized today i have strech and strength. TORTURE!
that class consits of an hour of solid running, sit uping, push uping, and any other possible torture devise to get alan some muscles!
but hey- that is ok cause I hopefully will loose the chub and get abs! lol
tomorrow stupid band-o-rama. I hate that one! it is worse then the parades!