Nov 23, 2004 20:13
Wow, Saturday night was freaking crazy. way too much drama in one night. I really have no idea whats going on, but whatevers going on, it sucks.
I think a part of me is so jelous. Actually i KNOW a part of me is so jelous. We've become really good friends and I'm so glad cuz She's such a great girl. Not that either one of us hates the other or really wants him (as far as I know..) She's such a sweet girl, I would have a hard time getting mad at her for anything. She can like stab me in the back and run me over with a truck and I'd still love her lol
I think that if they were to get back together or hook up, it really wouldnt bother me, but I'd still be kinda hurt. I mean, after what happened with me and him, ANY girl he hooks up with or dates is gunna be weird.
But im so glad that me and her have become friends. Like i said, shes so sweet. crazy mad shout outs to her!!!
i dunno whats going on with me and Matt hmm... who knows what could happen.... :) Hopefully we'll hang out over Thanksgiving break!!
I have a freaking report due on Monday for Ms. Botkin's class.. ugh! but, im glad that i got it done in class. I just touch up my posters which are in Ms. B's classroom.
im feel kinda bad, I told Erik I'd hang out with him tonight.. but that never happened.
Well i guess i gotta get going. Its past my bedtime lol ill update later! xoxo