Jun 02, 2005 10:40
The way people talk about religion makes us feel that we, as homosexuals, have no right to it. That pisses me off.
The thing that pisses me off the most is that the spiritual/religious heritage of a lot of gays and lesbians -- and a lot of other minority groups -- has been stolen from them by people like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Trent Lott. When those people claim to have a monopoly on The Truth, it steals that heritage from us. Just because somebody is born athiest, agnostic, Muslim, or gay, doesn’t mean you can’t have a relationship with God, karma, Allah, the Spirit, or whatever. It doesn’t mean you can’t have that kind of relationship in your life. When you get these people who say that you have to have OUR god otherwise we’re going to kill you, and OUR god says you’re wrong, that leaves this kind of hostile atmosphere, and that's exactly what is happening right now, in the United States. Right here at home. We don't even feel that we have the RIGHT to normal religious or spiritual outlets.
Fundamentalist sects have stolen our spirituality from us. They say "we don’t want you to look at the divine because you are evil." But the spiritual heritage is a heritage that every single human person has, and to be denied that heritage is a sin against human nature, in my opinion.
Please, PLEASE don't let these people hijack your spirituality from you. They cannot hijack it without your consent.