Apr 17, 2005 21:56
Hey Hey! Its Sunday night already, my weekends go by so quickly. It was a good wkend. Today wasnt great though. Ive been ill and emotional all day. I feel like all I want to do is cry and yell. But....its ok, its normal for me to have radical behavior this time of month. THANKS A LOT EVE! Its all her fault, if that darn woman hadnt of sinned in the garden of eden. Geez....
I think I was mean to Dean today. Well not directly mean but acting like a bitch. Im very emotional and Im sorry. Im being and feeling pretty winey too! Bc Im not gonna see him at all next wkend. That sucks majorly bad.
Ok well Imma go now. Hopefull Dean will get online soon because Im starting to feel sleepy. Goodnight