Title: You're better than this
Pairing: John Terry/Frank Lampard
Word count: 444
Disclaimer: All liesss
Summary: John's finding it hard to overcome another onslaught from the media
A/n: Originally part of a much longer fic I'm working on at the moment, but then I decided this litle bit didn't quite fit the mood, so I put it on it's own.
enjoy :D, comments are much appreciated =D
“I’m not a bad person Lamps, am I?”
The question catches Frank off guard as John rests an arm on his shoulder as they stretch during training.
“Course not...I mean... what do you mean?” He mirrors John, placing his hand on John’s shoulder, more for John’s sake than his own.
“All this shit flying around, in the rags”
That again, Frank should have known, he suddenly feels embarrassed at his own selfishness. After reading the papers this morning, he should have expected such a conversation, should have even gone as far as to bringing it up himself to make sure John was alright, make sure he knew no matter how much shit hit the fan, Frank would stand by him and believe every word he said. John was no angel, but lying to Frank was an inconceivable concept for him. And anyway even if this latest malicious attack on John’s private life was true, Frank’s loyalty wouldn’t waiver, he’d be there for John, support him through this, because if he didn’t who the hell would?
“It ain’t true, I promise, I mean I done some things I regret in my life, but I’m just a man, we all have,” John’s voice was hushed, not wanting his team mates to catch wind. “We all got flaws, but what? What have I done to deserve this?”
‘Nothing’ Frank wants to say, the words form on his lips, but no sound follows, instead he squeezes his shoulder, feeling the tension coursing through his body. He sneaks a look at the man beside him, his hunched shoulders, the bags forming under his eyes, the despairing eyes. Seeing John like this hurts so much, Frank want nothing more than to gather him in his arms and hold him close, whispering reassurance like you might a young child. For all his gusto and strength on the field, he still has an air of vulnerability about him that never ceased to get to Frank. ‘You’re better than this’ he wants to say, ‘you’ll pull through, you always do, you’re strong enough to know what a good person you are, what you’ve done for the team what you’ve done for your kids, I know you’re amazing, you know you’re amazing. That’s all that matters, who cares what people who never have and never will meet you think, to me you are perfect” But now is not the place for such outpourings, maybe later, alone over dinner, or lying in bed together in another nameless, faceless team hotel. Instead he just squeezes his should one more time, looking him straight in the eye and without words, John knows everything he needs to hear.