
Mar 16, 2009 12:26

fearsclave's recent walkabout pictures reminded me that I haven't shown off my pictures of the neighbours yet:

A pair of deer this fall outside my kitchen window:

From Garden Bay

From Garden Bay

From Garden Bay

I've also had some more recent fun with photography at night:

Here's Orion over Mount Daniel:

From Night Shots

And me taken by the light of the full moon (30 second exposure):

From Night Shots

I'm also shooting the occasional panorama of the lake which is within a 4 minute walk:

From Garden Bay Panoramas

I also shot some video of the deer out the back door:

image Click to view

This was the same time that the pictures above were shot. The doe is standing in a strawberry bed and has just finished eating any of the fruit and greenery there.


lake, panoramas, pictures, deer, astrophotography

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