Aug 28, 2004 13:57
Nervous Habits: hmm... im getting a little nervous right now =/
Do you bite your nails?: sometimes
Do you pick your nose?: oh yeah.. everyday..
Are you double jointed?: yes i am..
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: im not that coordinated
Can you blow smoke rings?: im 12 do u think i smoke
Can you blow spit bubbles?: of course i can =]
Can you cross your eyes?: ughh no
Tattoos?: no i do not
Piercings and where?: 2 holes in my ear
Do you make your bed daily?: sure i do
Which shoe goes on first? idk ??i'm normal and idont notice
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: y u wanna pick pocket me...
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: earrings,braclettes, watch, rings, and sometimes necklace...
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?: depends where im going..
Pajamas: pants and a huge t-shirt
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: ughh i havent had spaghetti in ;like 5 years..
How many cereals in your cabinet?: wait.. let me go count..
What's your favorite beverage?: snapple..
utensils do you use to eat pizza?: do hands count..?
Do you cook?: yes i do... but sometimes it could be a bit of a catastrophy =]
How often do you brush your teeth?: mornings
How often do you shower/bathe?: everyday sometimes 2 or 3x's a day
How long does your shower last?: half hour to 45 minutes
Hair drying method: scrunch it with a towel then blow dry it straight
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: i want to but once again how old am i.. oh yeah...12
Do you swear?: I SWEAR I DONT
Do you ever spit?: of course.. what lady doesn't?
Actor/Actress: actor-adam sandler--actress--jennifer garner
Favorite animal: tiger
Food: anything i can get my hands on =]
Month : december or july =]
Day: friday& saturday
Cartoon: spongebob squarepants all the way
Flower: calla lilys
Shoe Brand: diesel ..
Subject in school: im italian.. so that would have to be lunch=]
TV show: ughhh idk too many...
Holiday: saint gendardi's
Book: please.. nicole does not read.
The CD Player: ughh my mix
Person you talk most on the phone with: tifffffffffffff
Ever taken a cab?: i lived in new york what do u think
Do you use an alarm clock?:yeah but it could be broken from the times i through it at the wall =]
Name one thing you are obsessed with: myself.. haha nothing thats just weird..
Window seat or aisle?: like on a plane..? i like both...
What do you look for in a guy?: funny , athletic , great personality , cute ..
What is the first thing you notice when you look at a guy?: idk ..
Coke or Pepsi?: idk the difference
oranges or apples?: both
One pillow or two?: hmm depends 1 usually.. 2 if im sick..
Deaf or blind?: neither =] but if i had to choose deaf
Pools or hot tubs?: they're both so great..
Blondes or brunettes?:what am i a blonde..? =/
TV or radio?: tv because i can listen to music on tv but i cant watch tv on a radio =]
Beach or pool?: beach baby
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic tacs.. as i eat one now..
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: i never jump out of bed
Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: cheese burger
Morning or night?: i like both.. like really early like or really late like 4:30
sports or news?: sports
Indoors or outdoors?: outdoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: christmas day
Cake or ice cream?: ice cream
Spicy or Mild?: spicy
Spearmint or Peppermint?: spearmint
Call or Write?: call
Peanut Butter or Jelly?: peanut butter
Hamburger or Hot Dog?: h/b
Dog or Cat?: both
Bath or shower?: doesnt matter ..
Book or Movie?: movie
Green or Red apples?: green
Rain or Snow?: snow
Nike or Adidas?: nike ..
Took a shower?: last night
Watched Bambi: blehh ughh when i was 4
Talked on the phone?: 4 hours ago hahahha
Read a book?: please..
Punched someone?: haha idk
Where do you see yourself in ten years?: i hope i have a boyfriend and a good job .. rich.. rich.. RICH... haha j/k
Who are you going to be married to?: idk .. im only 12 .. not gunna get married anytime soon ughh im 12 but by the time im done with this thing ill be 15
How many kids?: 2 or 4.. not 3 hahha
Your profession: whatever makes me happy
Future School: NYU..and ivy league school
Car of Your Dreams: mozzeratti.. i kno a lot..=] cars are my forte
I wanna live: new york or cali