May 19, 2003 20:47
My trip to Florida was so great except by the end of the trip I was so ready to kill my two best friends. I was also thinking things about them that I shouldn't be thinking because they are my best friends. Like Miranda was bothering me when we were at the club because she was griding with other girls and it was making me soi uncomfortable. I knew she was Les but it never made me uncomfortable before. She was so drunk to and was obnoxious. My cousins friends kept coming up to me and telling me to tell her not to touch them and stuff, which left me in an akward position. I hated having to be the one to tell her. Then she couldn't even walk into the house with out stumbling. It was so bad, she is a stupid annoying drunk. And then after lots of other things kept bothering me about her too. Like the fact she has tons of white nasty pimples on her face and wouldn't pop them. They were so gross and needed to be popped to get the puss stuf out. It was driving me nuts. ARgghh. And Val!!!! Urgh. I'll go there manana. I'm exhausted.