omgsh! NiKKi... what a fun dayyy! "Rebecca- ill be right back, you can hang out in my room love you! <3 Nikki" soo i chilled in her room for like a episode of Drake N Josh... OoOh yeah! and i talked to austin... cuz he was showing his friend SaMMy's new bed-spread... haha! thennn we had CARABU COOLERRS
... thenn idk what we did... watched the news, thought about going to PaLaCe ViSiOn, played 2 squarrre.... oh im GOOD... oh yeah, and DDR... I BLOW MAJORLY.. i get d's on beginer.. i think i will stick tothe control stick next time nikki
<--- BOB! haha then we went to the pOOl!!! and played dunk austin, haha SUPERMANN... SUPERMAN PUNCHING POWERRRR!!! lmao, i was cracking up the WHOLLLE time!!!!! ahh hes HALARIOUS! great time with you nikki!!! we deff. gotta do it again!
<33 Rebecca
vvvvvvvv idk if i can have the partyyyyy cuz it starts at like 915, unless like ppl sleepover... so if the guys wanna come BRINNNNG IT ON... haha jk, your probably going to have to leavvve at midnight. orr go home at 1/2... :( that would be a sexy sleepover partyyy if the guys came... oooooh yeah!!!