(no subject)

Aug 28, 2006 16:56

So this weekend my parents and sister went to Milford House and I couldn't go because of work.  So Friday night we were hanging out with Lindy and we decided to drop Lindy off at the Compound (at 11:30pm) since we didn't want her walking alone at night.  So we got to the Compound at 11:30 and were asked if we wanted to come in a hang out for a little while...well, we kind of went in at 11:30 planning on staying for a little bit then going back to my house, well...we ended up leaving the Compound at 3:30am...yeah...that wasn't really planned:-).  Lindy was planning on meeting Andrew at the Compound and then heading to the party next door, but we never really got to that party.  We had some pretty funny times though.  At one point we were sitting in Andrew's listening to a bunch of people playing music and making fun of Coady's drumming abilities...or lack thereof (he couldn't really keep time all that well, but considering that he's the guitarist of their band and not the drummer it wasn't the BIGGEST issue ever).  Then Colin started playing Barracuda on his guitar, and Danni and I took a while trying to figure out what song it was because we knew the song we just couldn't think of what it was called.  Then Colin got on the drums and was playing the cow bell and Danni yelled out "Cowbell solo" with Colin yelling back "I'm actually trying to play  a song."  Danni and I then proceeded to listen and realized that he was attempting to play "Low Rider."

Later on we were standing on the front porch of the Compound and some people from the party were standing on the front porch of their house.  One guy came out with one of those free-standing lamps and decided that it'd be a good idea to pole vault with the lamp and, considering he was quite drunk at this point, he ended up flat on his butt with a broken lamp.  He then decided that the broken lamp (which was broken at the base but the broken parts were still connect by the wire) looked like tether ball so tried to play tether ball with it, which really didn't work for two reasons: 1.) the pole wasn't actually bolted to the ground he had to hold it up with one hand and play with the other and 2.) the wire was too long so the base of the lamp (which was acting as the ball) was touching the ground.  Then they decided to fling the lamp onto the street, narrowly missing a parked car.  Then they flung around a tree stump for a while. Colin, Gwen, Danni, and I decided to go inside at that point in case the police decided to come.  We were then hanging out inside their living room, when we saw some flashes of white, red, and green lights...we looked outside and saw that the people next door were shooting off firework-type things (in the city...which is illegal) so we went outside to get a better look.  What makes no sense to me, now that I think of it, is that we went inside to avoid getting in trouble if the police came  when they were just chucking stuff everywhere, but we came out again when they were shooting off illegal fireworks...that makes absolutely no sense but oh well...it was entertaining none the less and the police didn't come.  Everybody (Colin, Gwen, Danni, Kyle, and Lucy) then went inside and we were sitting in the kitchen.  After a little while Colin looked down and saw an old printer and asked Kyle if they were going to use the printer and when Kyle answered that they were throwing it out Colin took it outside as a peace offering to the next door neighbours for them to throw around too. It never actually got to next door, Colin sat it down on their porch and Lucy decided to kick it lightly towards the curb and the light kick and the very small drop made it smash (it wasn't all that well made, it seemed).  Colin then threw it into their garage to smash it more and then Kyle and Colin thought that sticking a firework into the printer would be entertaining.

Anyways, I have to go...and today (Monday, August 27) I got a call from work saying that I didn't have to go into work today due to rain and that if it's raining when I wake up tomorrow I don't have to go either.  My only problem is how hard does it have to rain in order for me not to go in because today there wasn't that much rain and I was told not to go in so maybe I'll make the decision tomorrow based on today's amount of rain....I dunno...I'm just worried I'll judge that it's "raining" and then they'll call me asking where I am...I dunno...grr...Hopefully I make the right decision on whether or not it's raining...Oh well, I'll just stop worrying until tomorrow...because it might not even be raining tomorrow (although it's supposed to rain).
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