Mar 05, 2014 08:35
Frijolito seems to be feeling better. He had me pretty worried on Monday, I nearly took him to the vet. He looked so miserable -goopy eyed, slightly dehydrated, sneezy, coughing. I called the Vet's office, hoping to make an appointment for Tuesday, but they had already closed. This was fortunate because yesterday he suddenly looked better. Monday night, we cleaned his eyes and nose with gently saline, after his "steam bath" (we keep him in the bathroom while we shower so the humidity can help open us his airways and get things flowing). Now, he's over 90% back to normal Frijolito and seems to think he needs to make up for all the mischief he couldn't achieve will sick (climbing on things, knocking things over, bouncing off walls, etc). Mimo is also ecstatic to have his playmate back (which means there is too much energy bouncing around in a small house). Oh kitty.