it's cold enough that i don't feel like running. i feel very sluggish. brrrrr. a few days of this are fine, but consistently cold weather is what gets me depressed in the winter. come back florida warmth
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mmm...I oughtta find a job up there. Complete opposite end of the country and Seattle sounds like it would be extremely bike-commuter-friendly, and Washington State sounds quite sympathetic to my, er, interests...Plus I can join in on the Grunge music movement...about 15 years too late =)
aluminum bike w/ aluminum parts, full-fenders, Veltop to keep the rain off your head, rain-proof clothing (or at least clothing you don't mind getting wet in).
...i'm bummed about that.
maybe next year =(. or maybe i should apply to the university of WA
Can be done =)
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