Jun 01, 2005 21:10
so today I had the worst fight ever with my mom... we fought, hardcore, she "kicked me out" (but yet im here now), bnlah bklah blah. a lot of hurtful things were said, it was bad. but im here now and im glad im mature, thats all I have to say.
Graduation is coming up soon! I cant believe it at all.
My schedule is crazy-
*tomorrow I have my Anatomy final then I have to make up FOUR gym classes.
then meghans highlighting my hair (more blonde, bitches :) ), with patricia, i think.
*Friday I have my english final (which I musssst do good on to graduate) then I have to make up 2 gym classes.
Then Im done with school- no more high school ever. Crazy.
*saturday work 1030-4ish
*sunday same thing then to the senior banquet (cookout)thennnnn Patricia's for a lil sleep over
*monday class trip on lake winnipasake, cruise, ect. fun fun.
Have to be at triton at 615
*tuesday graduation practice at 8am,
makeup at interlocks at 1230ish
hair apt. with linda (at her new salon YAY) at 2
pictures with jeffs fam
Be at the school at 4 w/ jeff
Grande March in the auditorium
PROM 5-11
*wednesday is the chill day, probably will be with my girls. I still have to get a white graduation dress so i might do that on wends if i still havent
*thursday grad. pract.
*friday?- I know theres soemtihng?
* Saturday, June 11th 2005 GRADUATION at triton at 11am
holy shit
holy holy holllllly shit!