The peddler now speaks to the countess who's pretending to care for him
Sayin', "Name me someone that's not a parasite and I'll go out and say a prayer for him"
But like Louise always says
"Ya can't look at much, can ya man?"
It’s a raining on the day they bury Hank Landry. Her mother is there in all black. Regina’s wearing this tight red number
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Dear Mun,
I've noticed that you have not updated your journal danceonthesea (i.e., responded to one of the TM topics) for the past four weeks. NOTE: Roleplay does not count as updating your journal, per the rules of the Theatrical Muse community.
If you have responded to one of the last four TM topics and I missed your post, please forward the link to me. If you have not responded to a challenge, but would still like to continue participating in TM, please do the following:
2. RESPOND TO ONE OF THE MOST RECENT 4 TOPICS (#202, 203, 204, 205) BY NO LATER THAN 22nd November 2007.
Otherwise I will remove your muse from the TM community.
If you are having trouble meeting this commitment, but you still do want to remain in the TM community, please let me know and I will see what I can do. Real life always takes precedence over fannish activities. We just need to know that you are still interesting in remaining a member of the TM community, and get some idea of when you may be able to participate again. If you do need a hiatus, please let me know when you think that you will be able to participate again. We can put your muse on hiatus for that time period. If another member requests the character during that time period, we will email you to see if you still wish to participate in TM. At the end of the indicated hiatus period, we will also email you to see if you wish to participate in the TM community. At that time, if you do not respond and/or update your journal, we will remove your muse from the community.
You can find a list of the most recent challenges here:
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