Jan 22, 2005 22:13
You never cease to amaze me.
I have never truly understood your motives or your means. I have never understood your abrupt changes in who you confide in and who you resent. I have never comprehended why your hopes never come to fruition quite the why you planned them, or if they ever come to fruition at all.
You are part Hera, part Ophelia, and they seem to blend in a peaceful, if oft-contradicting, sort of way.
I don't recall ever saying I needed you, though in some sense, I suppose you were. For skipping class to tear across an isolated dirt road at a speed usually reserved for fleeing criminals. For visiting when I least expected it, and needed it most. For $500 that allows me to be sitting here and typing this entry now. For your recklessness and your honesty, for all of these things and more, Krys, I thank you.
If you ever need a favor, let me know. I believe I'm a few in debt.