i got tagged.

Sep 15, 2005 15:25

Write 20 random facts about yourself then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts.

Start time : I DUNNO.

1. i like to think i'm creative.
2. i've developed a hate for feet; except my own.
3. although i have three ear piercings, i hate earrings.
4. i prefer to draw in marker and write in pencil.
5. forrest gump is the only movie that makes me cry.
6. i can listen to the same song on repeat for hours without going insane.
7. i spend more time at band than with my family.
8. i was the first person that mandolin tagged to do this.
9. russia is my favorite country.
10. in fact, i was going to name my dog czar before my mom said i couldn't.
11. the dream i remember most is one that includes 98 degrees and popsicles.
12. i despise the english language.
13. i use more periods when typing than anyone i know.
14. it drives me nuts when people say "good" instead of "well".
15. i like to watch the stars while sitting on my roof.
16. my favorite night of this summer included pretzels, a seal and a pool.
17. i love the girls in my life; but i have more boys in my life than girls.
18. once, i ripped my favorite pair of jeans at a football game. i still have them and still am waiting to make something with them.
19. no one had ever told me that i was anything other than german until this year. i am german, french, and romanian?
20. today, i colored a coloring book page with a parrot on it.

End time : ?

(i didn't count how many minutes! so i'll tag...)
1. stephanie!
2. krista!
3. nancy!
4. cathi!
5. allison!
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