So here's the post I forgot to setup from Saturday's homeshow. I didn't take many pictures because I didn't have my camera with me much of the time. It was a lotttt of work, but guard is really seeming to pay off.
Steph did the best job ever curling my hair. But when I took this picture I was sitting next to a door that had someone's gum stuck to it...
Winter percussion had to dress up in Hawaiian outfits. But the only one I really caught was Danny. =) They were ggggoooodddd.
Jeremy-a-saurus at the diner. After Chuckles, he and myself chased Margaret down the Post Road.
The next day I went out to breakfast at 9 o'clock after coming home around TWO. I was sorta... cranky.
But my cousins, they were not.
Today and yesterday were actually pretty good. Check out
Krista's livejournal for pictures of school today. ♥