May 31, 2007 00:58
Did I ever tell you kids are better than tv? Well here's my favorite memories of the weekend.
Kaitlyn's shocked look as she went bouncing off the screen door trying to come inside. (Yes, I laughed before I asked her if she was okay)
Lillian & Kaitlyn deciding it would be cool to grease the hot tub down with baby oil...and Roz almost killing herself when she figured out what they'd done!
Colc stripping to the buff and running around the condo as we non-chalantly ignore him with our drinks in hand.
Lillian bringing down a kite by pulling the string down hand over fist; then Fergus giving up on the hopeless knot. It only took a couple of determined pelicans to untangle the jumbled mess. (Yes, Eilidh & I are that patient; and obviously a great team.)
Me having a flash back when the restaurant we walked to had a working game of Galaga that I just had to play! Yes, I still sucked; but it was great trying to meet those challenge stages. (never did capture an extra starship)
Watching Fergus bury Colc in the sand; then me turning the sand into a merman tail. Colc helped of course!
Ken running toward the surf to get his feet in the water; then making an about face and racing back to the dry sand to get away from it!
Having a wave slam me into Dale; which is where I wanted to be in the first place. :o)
It was a lot of fun and a lot of great memories!