Oct 13, 2004 12:17
... and n e one who doesn't agree to the title of this entry is just nuts. well today was interesting. i woke up at the regular time and did the regular stuff but instead of going to school, Jeff picked me up and it was off to the "Correctional Behavior Institute." it was interesting. i felt like i was in an A.A meeting. i had to state my name and my reason for being in the class. after everyone told their stories we got to watch a slide show of people who died of some relation to alcohol. we saw this one and it was about a guy who got really drunk and his friend told him to go into the lions cage at the zoo and he got mauled. it was sooooooooo gross! he has slashes all over his body and the lion bit his nose off and slit his throat! ewwwwwwwww! sorry i had to share it with you all. that was the first part of this program. on Friday i get to go to UCSD Medical Center and visit the trauma patients and was the surgerys and talk to families and stuff... that should be grossly sad. im both dreading and anticipating it. but ya that will be from 10pm to 2am. ya crazy hours. thats when averyone will be out partying and doing stupid shit. i hope i dont see n e one i know come in the emeergency room! anyways... that was my day, i had to miss school for it. i really need to not miss n e more school. i mean im doing pretty good actually besides my C in english. but still. mr. schildies yells at me every morning. but n e ways... lets hang out this weekend! lemme know what you wanna do