Jul 12, 2005 23:01
Holy Shit Everyone i so effing nervous about the mt letters going out. I really hope that i got in!!!!! I'm sooooooooo scared!!! I really really really really really really really etc. hope i got in musical theatre is like my dream!!!! I really hope i get in did anyone get in or hear from them?? I need to know and now i'm scared because they said that it was full!!!! Omg i so nervous now i seriously thought that i did good and everything but no i'm oooo scared because IT FULL!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! How am i gonna live??????? I'm trying to breath and calm down but i CAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN''''''ttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i have to go and clm myself down