Fic: Doodles ; Katie/Oliver ; Harry Potter

Jul 28, 2006 13:25

Title: Doodles
Author: danceliketoday
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing[s]: Oliver Wood/Katie Bell
Rating: PG
Summary: That's what you think. Katie Bell is able to find Oliver Wood's flaws.
Disclaimer: Pssh. Yeah right.
A/N: I'm posting this small drabble in my journal because I wrote it awhile ago (even posted it on and I'm starting to get back into writing. Don't know if anyone really cares but I decided to post it!

not just the color
look inside of me
-gavin degraw's "More Than Anyone"


They both sat in the Common Room at a table in the corner.

She was scribbling furiously on a piece of scrap parchment, her head bent low to the table. He sat across from her, playing a game of wizard chess by himself (he had bewitched the pieces).

He glanced up at her for a moment, as one of the queens smashed his knight, and he caught a glimpse of what she was doing.

"Kates, what is that?" he asked.

She hurriedly covered up a small doodle with her hands and muttered a quick, "Nothing!"

"Well then, if it's nothing..." he sing-songed before making a snatch at the parchment.

"No!" she shouted and she jumped across the table to grab it back. As he tried to open the crumpled paper, she pounced onto him in a desperate attempt at getting it. Her attack led them both to fall to the floor in a small heap. The rolled around, she saying "Give it back!" while poking him in the ribs, him shouting "Just let me see!" while trying to hold her off, until finally he managed to wrestle the parchment away from her.

"Now let's just see what you've drawn here." he said, holding her away at arm's length while he opened the paper. His jaw dropped.

"Katie! My head is not that big!"

She rolled her eyes. "That's what you think," she mumbled.

He glared at her, but soon a smile spread across his face and he tackled her to the ground. She laughed as he tickled her and soon the drawing with Oliver's big head was forgotten.

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