Yeah during the whole escapade I thought it was pretty fucked up and scary....but everyone laughed it off after and for some odd reason it brought us all closer. Dan even thanked Tous for the wicked experience and he said he now knows that if he is ever in a situation where he might get shot, he'll put his hand up cause it would be easier to fix. Now that's fucked up....I blame it on machoism, Jim Beam & Canadian Club. Funny thing is that Franco, of all people, is now the most responsible person in the house.
Trust me buddy...I could make a seriously enlightening documentary about the people of the Niagara Region that "normal" people like you and me would be amazed to see. My most prevailing reoccurring observation...working doors are a luxury item. Either you lock them by putting knifes in them, or the doors to the bathroom or bedrooms are off their hinges or in the case of Fathead's apartment (where I have never partied but have seen when Franco went to get his glasses) the front door has no door knob - just a hole. Chairs at this guy's place are wine drums or milk crates and the decor can be described as "Marks & Holes of Past Violence".
Thankfully Franco's front door works & locks and he definitely has good chairs and furniture and therefore he is living the life in comparison to most.
Makes you appreciate a lot of doors....chairs....ipods...common sense....
Trust me buddy...I could make a seriously enlightening documentary about the people of the Niagara Region that "normal" people like you and me would be amazed to see. My most prevailing reoccurring observation...working doors are a luxury item. Either you lock them by putting knifes in them, or the doors to the bathroom or bedrooms are off their hinges or in the case of Fathead's apartment (where I have never partied but have seen when Franco went to get his glasses) the front door has no door knob - just a hole. Chairs at this guy's place are wine drums or milk crates and the decor can be described as "Marks & Holes of Past Violence".
Thankfully Franco's front door works & locks and he definitely has good chairs and furniture and therefore he is living the life in comparison to most.
Makes you appreciate a lot of doors....chairs....ipods...common sense....
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