i was just waiting for bailey to get home so we could go out.
YAY. road trip.
i can't even begin describing how fun the miniroadtrip was. just me and my friends singing along to oldschool nsync, MARIAH CAREY (you know you love 'fantasy', willsmith, bbmak, american hi-fi with my making up phrases and moving on [LOVESIT], pink, etc. you know, middle school days. i smiled all the way home.
my hurrr now:
and thennnn before:
toolate. it's deleted.
for all of you guys who have been following this eljay for the past however many years knows about my faker. you know how i was worried that she'd talk to other people and then they might see me somewhere and be like, "oh, don't you remember me?" blah blah blah. if you have no clue what i'm talking about, you can read it
well, my worries have been confirmed. yesterday, i recieve a myspace message from this guy that i totally didn't know. he was like, "you probably don't remember me..." so i asked him to refresh my memory and this is what he said:
yeah...no need to apologize, seriously! i'm surprised you even wrote back considering u don't have any idea who i am, haha. maybe it's just curiosity (which killed the cat, let's remember...).
anyway hmmm...well we never met in person, but we first "met" online on findapix (i know, wayyyy back), i was pikacholc, and you were lushious something or other? and then we chatted on AIM and you were bubbaloo...and yes i was still pikacholc, haha. you know what? i'm having second thoughts, embarassing ones...what if i'm mistaken and you're just someone that looks and has a similar personality to the steph i knew? if so, it's my turn to sincerely apologize. i'd be a pretty big ass to make u feel guilty for not remembering me, haha.
in any event, we didn't chat all that much, i had a girlfriend, and we just stopped talking. i do remember being rather worried for you cause you said some weird and unsettling things, like about being unhappy and "cutting"...so i couldn't believe my eyes seeing you on some yahoo page, completely happy and competing in some relationship contest! good for you steph, and i'm sorry for randomly popping up like that, i was just very surprised to stumble upon you again.
okay. i've never been on findapix. my aim sn has never been bubbaloo (are we kidding now?). now sweetheart, coming from an ex-cutter, we all know people who tell other people they're cutting is a cry out for attention. i don't know if you really cut or was taking my identity again (you seen to be really good at that), but it's not something i would like people i don't even know associating that with me. if you're still cutting, get help. if not, stop lying to everyone about everything.
oh yeah, alot of these photots are on the yahoopromotions website thing so if you decide to steal them, you'll deal with me, mtv, and yahoo. it's all copyrighted bitch. kthanks! have a good day.