boredom survey

Apr 12, 2006 23:48

current clothes: boy shorts and a beater

current mood: tipsy

current music: Coheed and Cambria

current hair: straightened surprisingly

current annoyance: the sniffles

current smell: white zinfandel wine

current thing i ought to be doing: calculus hw

current desktop picture: picture of my girls drinking at the lake

current book: none?

current cd in cd player: Rent

current dvd in player: Waiting

current refreshment: wine

current worry: getting a C in caluculus

current favorite celebrity: ryan gosling


you touched: i patted mandy's head?

you talked to: Mandy

you hugged: Jason

you instant messaged : Trevor

you yelled at: Amy Kiser

you kissed? Jason Kinsella

you slept with? John Read

who broke your heart: john read


food: Boba House "chicken" aka tofu and soy

drink: tate st. coffee.... or jack n coke hahaha

color: teal

album: anything system

candy: hershey kisses

animal: shichtsu puppies… or maltise puppies. Or any kinda puppy

tv show: Will and Grace

movie: Devil's Rejects

vegetable: I havent eaten veggies in a long time.. damn nasty cafeteria... ummm... green beans?

fruit: peaches and mangos

number: 2

day: any day of no classes

month: any warm month

season: summer… yea its awesome

sport: hockey, manball

class: ummm liz's modern class

teacher: Liz?

radio station: dont have one

store: old navy, pac sun

word/phrase: shitfuck

flower: white rose

state: north carolina.


kill: Bush?

tickle: john

look like: I like the way I look thank you very much

talk to online: trevor.. which im doing

offline: wiley...........

kiss: trevor

make sweet love to: no one at the moment

laugh at: Mandy

hug: john


name: Amanda LEE (not lynn ppl.. that’s a joke) Stevenson

do you like it: I do now.. I used to hate it

why do you have it: first amanda in the family on either side.. idk?

nicknames: Amanza, amandolin, babe

screen names: simplyunique221, evilpixie61616.. among others

birthday: febraury 21, 1987/84 depending on the ID

sign: pisces

location: Greensboro, NC..... Lake Gaston NC,,,,, carmel, NY

school: UncG

natural hair color: medium to dark brown… its odd

current hair color: reddish brown

eye color: green/brown. More green in the summer

shoe size: 6 1/2


best girl friends: Mandy, Tyler, Annie Scott, Melanie

best guy friends: jeremy, paul

who have you known the longest: Jeremy Errico

who have you known the shortest: Jason

craziest: I'd say me... or tyler hahaha

loudest: Anderson

funniest: paul

sweetest: john

most caring: sully

most understanding: katie tyler

best dressed: jason

flirtiest: paul hooker

most likely to be a porn star: tyler hahaha

most likely to be a doctor: christina

most likely to be a stay at home mom: no one actually...

most likely to find the cure for cancer: haha no one


one thing you would change about ur past: planning my life around other ppl

biggest mistake ever made: growing up too fast

last thing you heard: the television?

last thing u said: to mandy... "come see me in a bit"

last person u saw: mandy

last person u kissed: jason kinsella

last person u hugged: mandy

last person u fought w/: amy

last person u were on the fone w/: jeremy errico

last t.v. show u saw : Parental Control

last song u heard: La Vive Boem... Rent

last time you laughed really hard: ummm at the lake house prolly


what are u wearing: same as when i started

what are u doing: fighting a battle in africa… what do u think dumbass?

who r u talking to: trevor and will hatcher

where are you: my basement

who are u with: myself.. woot! no roomate

are u online: obviously

how are u feeling: not as tipsy.. tired

are you in chatroom: for what reason?

first phrase that comes to mind: buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


what day is it tomorow: thursday...

what are u going to do after this: go to bed

where are u gonna go tomorrow: classes.. and sleep

what do you wanna be: dancing.. or i wont be happy

what is one of your dreams: survive this year... smooth summer.. no drama

where will you be in 15 years: in the city.. or in NC still


do u write in cursive or print: print.more like scribble

are u a lefty or righty: righty

what piercings do u have: 8 ear piercings... and my tongue..maybe an eyebrow soon?

how many tattoos do you have: two

do you have glasses or braces: i wear contacts......and glasses at night


what do u like most about your face: my eyes... i hear they're intriguing

what do u like most about ur body: my brusied feet… I find them beautiful

least? My hair….

how many fillings do you have: a shit load lol

do you look like any celebrities: a couple ppl say I have helen hunt’s face structure?


do you wear a watch: it broke :-(

how many coats/jackets do u own: too many

favorite pants/skirt color: faded blue jeans... or earth tone skirts

most expensive item of clothing: my red leather jacket

least expensive iten of clothing: something froma thrift store

what kind of shoes do you wear: comfy shoes or flip flops.. or barefoot

describe your style in one word: comfy.. don’t give a crap really


do your friends 'know' you: a few in NY.. a few here in the south

what do they tend to be like: umm friendly?

are there traits in u that are universally liked: I speak my mind.. most like it..... im a badass?

how many people do you tell everything to: one or two

how many people tell you everything: three or four


do you like to wear thongs: I used to.. more boy shorts now

do u find them comfortable: yes

boxers or briefs: boy shorts?

whats the nicest color of underwear: black

do u find it uncomfortable w/ out a bra: umm if i dont wear a bra.. there are problems...

do u ever wear a vest: hahah laaammmmeeeeee

do u make a habit of showing people ur underoo's: not particularly


whom do u believe is the smartest person alive at the moment: thats a stupid question

do u prefer a sunny or rainy day: sunny.

do u consider urself lucky: i make my own luck

who is ur worst enemy: myself

are you popular: in college? yea i'd say so.. i have a huge variety of ppl

are you a loser: DEFINITELY!!!! Lol no?

who do you look up to: my mother

did you enjoy this survey: at first then it got long
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