Welcome Home Chloe and Chloe

Nov 21, 2004 17:01

Hey All,
Ok, the song choice has nothing to do with any guy like she sings about! It has to do with my doggies. They both ran away Thursday and I come home and my dear mother breaks the news to me. Gee, what a homecoming mom! So, I go to work Friday night and I am not myself. I missed my dogs. I mean sure they are huge and can knock me down in a heartbeat, but I still loved them. So, yesterday rolls around and still no Chloe and Chloe. I go to work still sad and still missing them. I made a little notice and put it in the clock room. So, I am just scanning away praying that my mother has the dogs safe and sound. I get a phone call. It's from my brother, immediatly I start thinking that it is about my neice Emma. I panic right away. NO ONE calls me at work. If they need to get a hold of me, the call the cell and I get back to them on my breaks. So, anyway. I am scanning and talking, and my big bro says that the dogs have been found and I scream YES!!!! really loudly. The poor guy that I was checking out just liked looked at me and takes a step back. I was sooooo excited. I was hopeing and praying that they would be alright and that they would be together. They were! I am sooo happy. They were plenty tired last night. I get home from work today and Baby Chloe was yapping her little head off. Poor things. I missed them soooooooo much. Mom asked me why I was being so nice to them, when I usally tell them to shut up. I go because I missed my babies.
I missed Chloe and Chloe and now they are home.
I have to go now
More updates later!!!!
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