So new beginnings all around,
My last connection to former relationship ERA Boston is severed. Thursday 5/16 I removed my chef's hat and threw it at my boss and admonished her to go fuck herself. I leave behind a fabulous group of customers, tolerable coworkers and a hulking wreck of what used to be an awesome job that gave me creative control. Over the past 6 months I went from kitchen manager/Chef to Utility/cook under the new boss. I don't recommend the exit I took but fortunately I work in one of the last professions where one can audition for a new job.
I guess cutting out that last bit of poison opened me to the following. I won't mention her by name in print yet as to not jinx anything. Recently I made the acquaintance of an awesome woman. We met Friday for the first time and spent time talking about our passions, eating and hanging out on the beach. A truly excellent day and apparently I passed the "introduce him to my sister and have him checked for axe murderer vibe" test 8 ;-) little do they know...(oops that was supposed to stay inside). This of course was followed by Night of the Dolls.
Anywho, Saturday it was help my mate
industrialsteve move to his new digs followed by Hero's and the company of The
girlvanized. Sunday I spent the entire day sleeping in followed by musings with Nick and V at Isteve's crib. Last evening I drove to Providence and Spent time in the company of "The Lovely Woman" who was stunning in her Elegant Gothic Lolita ensemble. After last evening it appears we will be spending more time together.