Apr 19, 2004 06:33
------------------------------- STARTING QUESTIONS ---------------------------------
** Full Name **: Coleman Younger Cumbie (stupid middle,last, and first name)
** Birthday **: 03/08/86
** Zodiac **: Pieces
** What time is it? **: 6:35 a.m.
** What is the date? ** april 19, 2004
------------------------------- GENERAL INFO----------------------------------------
** Time: ** 6:36 a.m.
** Name: ** Coleman
**Age: ** 18
** Birthday: ** 03/08/86
**School: ** Nevada High School
** E-mail: ** inxlikexflint@hotmail.com
** Eyes: ** green
** Hair: ** blonde
** Height: ** 5'7"
** Shoe Size: ** like a 9 or somthing
** Who lives with you? ** mom and dad
**When is your bedtime? ** when ever i feel sleepy
----------------------------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------------------------------
** Cried: ** nope
** Worn jeans: ** nope
** Met someone new: ** yup
** Done laundry: ** nope
---------------------------------HAVE YOU EVER--------------------------------------
** Missed school because it was raining: ** no, sure havent
** Put a body part on fire for amusement: ** no
**Kept a secret from everyone: ** yup
** Had an imaginary friend: ** of course ive had tons of imaginary friends but they all keep dying :(
** Ever been in love w/ a friend: ** nope
**Cried during a Movie? ** yup
** Had crush on an teacher? ** like in the 3rd grade
**Been on stage: ** yup long time ago
** Cut your own hair: ** nope
**First best friend: ** idk
**First car: ** ege white old ass VW bug
**First real date: ** movies and that was it :S, im so lame
**First real kiss: my ex
**First real break-up: my ex
**First screen name: Monger_demi-god (long time ago when i was a we lass and into like games that involved cards and stuff bad times)
**First self purchased album: idk ive bout all my cds so i cant remember
**First funeral: my gpa foz :'(
**First pets: a frog ^_^
**First piercing/tattoo: my first piercing was my ear :P but it is no more
**First credit card: havent had one yet
**First true love: every thing is kinda fucked up wit me so idk
**First enemy: im sure i have alot of ppl that hate me
**First big trip: north carolina
----------------------------------IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS ------------------------------
**Cried: ** yup
**Cut your hair: ** nope
**Worn a skirt: ** no
**Been mean: ** idk maybe
**Been sarcastic: ** yup cuz its fun when its wel placed
**Talked to someone you have a crush on: ** yes *sigh*
**Hugged someone: ** nope
**Fought with your parents: ** actually no
**Got in an argument with your best friend: ** yes
**Laughed until you cried: ** yes when leo locked his keys in his truck
**Played Truth or Dare: ** no
**Watched a sunrise/sunset: ** no
**Went to the beach at night: ** no
**Spent quality time alone: ** yes, cuz i am alone, im always alone :(
----------------------------------------ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS--------------------------
** Laughs the weirdest? ** idk they all have a pretty similar laugh
** Makes you laugh the most? ** all of them there isnt a time when im not laughing wit my friends
** Who have you known the longest? ** tristan
** Loudest? ** me
** Is the quietest? ** none
** Is the weirdest? ** alll
** Is the funniest? ** alll
** Who is the moodiest? ** idk
** Biggest player? ** idk
** Who do you usually go to about all of your problems? tristan some times or jackie *sigh* cuz tey r both ez to talk to
** Who comes to you? ** idk
** Do you have a crush on someone? ** yes
** Do they know? i guess
-----------------------------WHO DID THESE THINGS LAST------------------------------
** Called you **: my gma
** Slept in your bed **: me
** Saw you cry ** my pillows
** Made you cry **: loneliness and what happened friday
** Made you laugh **: matt
** You shared a drink with **: no one
** You went to the movies with **: leo
** Went to dinner with **: no one
** Bought you something **: my mom cuz shes all getting me stuff for when i move out
** Sent you an email **: lj comments :S
---------------------------- MORE --------------------------------------------------
** What time is it now? ** 7:24
** Black or white? ** black
** TV or movie? **Movie
** Cat or dog? ** both
** Walmart or target? ** niether
** Spring or Fall? ** spring
** Sun or rain? ** rain
** What are you gonna do after this? go to school
** What was the last meal you ate? ** a banana
** High school or college? ** neither
** Are you bored? ** yes
** Last TV show you watched? ** hockey
** Last movie you saw in theaters? ** hellboy
** Last noise you heard? ** music
** Last smell you smelled? ** my clean-ness
** Shampoo: ** fructis
** Favorite Color: ** red and black
**Day/Night: night
** Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: ** spring cuz of the breezes and the rain :)
** Lace or Satin: ** idk
** Favorite Cartoon Character: ** no one
** Favorite Fast Food: ** wendy's
** Favorite Advertisement: ** the ibm commercial where the guy is like "*grabs butta knife* MAYBE I SHOULD RIP OUT THE HAED DRIVE" (im such a nerd *shrugs*
** Favorite Movies: ** fight club, donnie darko, punch drunk love
** Favorite Drink: ** neithing that tastes good ^_^
** Favorite sport: ** idk ive been watching hockey alot lately and it so much fun to watch
What are you...
** Wearing: ** a white and black wrist bands, my ASL shirt and my pumas and my hoodie
** Thinking about: ** jackie i guess
** Listening to: ** dream to make believe-armor for sleep (such a pretty song)
-------------------------------HAVE YOU EVER----------------------------------------
** Kissed someone? ** once
** Said "I love you" and meant it? ** yes
** Gotten into a fight with your Dog/Cat etc?** yah its fun to play fight wit kitties ^_^
** Been to New York? ** no
** Been to Florida? **no
** California? ** no
** Hawaii? **no
** Mexico? **no
** Europe? ** no
** Canada? **no
** Danced Naked? ** yup ever morning :P
** Skinny dipped? ** once
** Stalked someone? ** sure y not
** Snuck out? ** yah
** Wished you were the opposite sex? ** nope
** Had an imaginary friend? ** yes, but they r all dead now :(. it wasnt my fault i swear
---------------------------------- RANDOM ------------------------------------------
Are you bored? yes
Are you lonely? very
Are you happy? no
Do you drink? not realy
Do you smoke? ew no
Who named you? my dad
When was the last time you showered? like 10 min ago
What color pants do you have on right now? shorts like a brown
What song are you listening to right now? ah-ha-take on me
What color is your shirt? black
What is right next to you? emptiness
What is your computer desk made of? wood
What are the last 4 digits in your phone #? my cell - 0693 and home is-5060
Are you eating anything? nope
How's the weather right now? warmish
What did you do last night? nothing at all i was so lonely :(
How are you today? sadish
--------------------------------- EXTRAS--------------------------------------------
** Do you have your license? ** yah
** What book are you reading now? ** child called it (its so sad)
** Nicknames: dont have one
** Hair Color: ** blonde
** Height: ** 5'7"
** Pets: ** what ever i find dead on the side of the road
** Siblings: ** 2 older brothers
** Have you ever been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: ** nope
** Taken any illegal substances: ** nope
** Gone out in public in your pajamas: ** no
** Played ding-dong-ditch? ** nope
** Streaked? ** no
** Kept a secret from everyone: ** yes
** Wanted to hook up with a friend/date them: ** no
** Did something illegal? ** no
** Did you get caught? ** no
** Gotten arrested? ** no
** Gotten a ticket for something? ** no
** Stalk someone? ** maybe
** Prank called someone: ** nope
-----------------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------------------------------------
** Yourself: ** no
** Santa Claus: ** no
** Tooth Fairy: ** no
** Destiny/Fate: ** sometimes
** Angels: ** no
** UFO's: ** no
** God: ** fuck him
** Bigfoot: ** yes
-----------------------------FRIENDS AND LIFE---------------------------------------
** Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? ** no *cries*
** Do you like anyone? ** yah, alot
** Who have you known the longest of your friends: ** tristan, or RBIII
** What's the best feeling in the world: ** cuddling, kissing, and being in love
** Worst Feeling: ** being alone
** Worst fear: ** deing alone
** Time now: ** 7:42
Last car ride: mine
Last kiss: my gma
Last good cry: last friday
Last library book checked out: nothing
Last movie seen: donnie darko
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: banana
Last crush: jackie
Last phone call: none
Last time showered: like 30min ago
Last shoes worn: my pumas
Last cd played: DCfC
Last item bought: donnie darko
Last annoyance: my lonely existance
Last disappointment: myself
Last time having sex: havent
Last time wanting to die: now
Last time scolded: when i got my lip pierced
Last shirt worn: my asl shirt
Last website visited: lj :P