Nov 19, 2004 23:37
No other thing to explain my week than WOW. Well Monday was open house, all my teachers gave good reports cept i need to study more.
Tuesday was a half day but I had to stay to do my journalism project (oh gee) it was alright, we all got our begining stand ups done, all "artsy ish" kinda coinciding with our topics. Nina wrote scripts for us, twas good. Minus getting yelled at for procrastinating, BS i started 3 weeks ago and the cameras broke. Ehhh w/e.
Wednesday school was school, then stayed to do my project, dear lord i cried. Went to see the play, twas very funny, then went home and finished packing for PSPA.
Thursday went to school for 7, project was screwed up majorly, spent homeroom, pd 2, pd 3, and A lunch in TV studio to finish my project cried a lot again, long story. Get it finished 10 mins before end of lunch, was joyous. went to pd 5, 6 and 7, left after 7 to go to PSPA, go down to pub to get my stuff and mr nick tells me that the comp crashed and my project was lost, and he had to redo it. I was fine with that. The ride to Harrisburg was fun all in itself, Aaron Kaufer is one _______ boy (laura, nina, jess, you can fill that in). The Hilton we stayed in was uber uber nice. We had loads of fun, Nina and Aaron wrestling, Nina won, Paul and Aaron wrestling, if you call it that. Just having a good time. We started a political debate in our room which was hilarious (me, nina, laura, jess, amy, paul and aaron). Paul then informs us about his time in an elevator for 87 floors, ohhhh geee lol. We went for dinner, then spent the rest of the time slidding on the slippery window sill things (everyone aka me, nina, laura, jess, amy, paul, aaron, mike, brian, bobby, cait, sarah, jess, lindsay, kaylin, jess, kristen, and vanessa). We all went to MONTE CARLO NIGHT! WVW dominated the craps table, and we won 2 (yes 2) 5 lb bars of hersheys chocolate, ahhhhh twas fun. We all then just hung around in each others rooms, being kids. Didnt get to bed til atleast 3, and got up at 6. We went for breakfast, went back up to room, BSed again, had fun, went to our sessions, learned that dropping mr nick's name anywhere at PSPA is like Charlie with the golden ticket in Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory. I learned quite a bit, had fun in the process. Had to present my project, i didnt win, but i had fun, and presented it well. After the next session we went to lunch, that was fun, we went back to our room, which looked like a bomb went off in a luggage/clothes store. After we finished eatting we watched all of the presentations again, and anything that was on the laptop, including mr nicks teacher of the year piece, which made us cry (we dont know why either). Went to the rest of our sessions, went and got dressed for the banquet, where the winners of the contests were annouced, we got screwed over, but 2 wvw kids won, WOOOO. After that we got our stuff and left, and the bus ride home was soooo fun, we talked about the hs newspaper "west side story" and what we can do to improve it and such, and we also talked about journalism in general, twas fun.
HAHAHA I am one of the 6 or 7 new members of the "west side story" staff, we doubled their size tonight, yeah.
As much as I said I hated Mr. Nick during the week, I don't, he is a really good guy, most of the time, he fixed my whole project after the comp crashed, and he made us cry. And I realized the reason he makes us do projects and stuff, is to make us responsible and aware of deadlines, as they whoosh by lol.
All in all, begining of the week sucked, but last night and today ROCKED HARD! so it made up for it.
I had the best roomies, we talked all night, and it was good. I CANT WAIT TIL NYC IN MARCH!!!!!!
Wow that was really long. I'm out, I shall talk to you later.